What works for me is quinine (found in indian tonic water by Schweppes)....usually 1, 300 ml bottle....combined with standing leg stretches. I strongly recommend to study medical cannabis sites as this medicine is seldom mentioned -covered up by pharmacy co's. Possibly CBD component of cannabis would be better...do your research...THC component is for curing /halting cancer...(WELL DOCUMENTED). I suggest going to youtube for good info . Happy researching !! Wayne.
rls info: What works for me is quinine... - Restless Legs Syn...
rls info

Cannabis is discussed less on this forum, because it is a UK forum, and cannabis is illegal in the UK. But, it is discussed quite often, since a lot of us from the US. But, that does not help people who cannot use it, sadly.
Sorry to burst any bubbles, but quinine, once used for malaria and later for leg cramps is not much used these days. Some quinine containing medicines are banned in the US because of side effects and some cases of fatality.
Tonic water seems to be safe enough however. Mainly because you'd have to drink about 20 litres a day to get a therapeutic dose.
You may be experiencing a placebo effect.
It worries me that there seems to be quite a few people who base their decisions about what substances they put into their bodies, or not put into their bodies based on information gained from You Tube. I have never thought of You Tube as being a good source of evidence based medical information.

Sorry to disagree but there was no placebo ....least not in my case I ASSURE YOU. I also disagree re youtube....if you continue to only believe "things based on medical information" then I am sure you will continue to disregard what has been proven to work in a practical sense....I suggest each has its place. To further ad to my point re youtube maby have a look at discosista.nimbin.medican about 4 down ...varies ...20180623 Stoopman important talk is one of the better ones...many more sites perhaps not "based on medical information" that I could tell you about but maby when you broaden your mind a bit...anyway ,sorry about the serve but we all have our own ideas.
Nonetheless, I think it worthwhile pursuing your investigation of Cannabis, it sounds promising. Unfortunately not feasible in the UK.

Everything is feasible...if there is a will there is a way!
Quinine in any worthwhile medicinal dosage can only be obtained per prescription, and it must be used three weeks on, one week off.
It will help with muscle cramps and discomfort, certainly, but the quantities available without prescription (such as in tonic) are extremely low because of the danger of liver damage.
It is now considered medically unhelpful for RLS, but if your problem is muscular then a double dose of magnesium glycinate might help just as much. along with the stretching.
If you do continue with it long-term, please watch out for the amount of sugar you are ingesting - that could really hurt. Rather ask your doctor for a scrip.
I hae to agree with the others, quinine in tonic water is very minute. Quinine was always used for cramps not RLS. Used for cramps because it works on the muscles and RLS is not muscles related. In the USA its banned only to be used for Malaria. In the UK it has a warning against it . I also think it will be a placebo effect which can be strong in some people. But i will say if it works for you then thats fine. a tiny amount of quinine i doubt will be harmful
Re quinine in any worthwhile dosage....I just told you it works for me in the small dose obtained in indian tonic water...now you are saying get a script ....why? Magnesium does not work for me ....remember we are all different . Also who said quinine is "medically unhelpful for RLS" IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK AT SOME OF THE BLOGS YOU MIGHT BE SURPRISED. I will agree about the sugar though ...especially white sugar.
Hi Wayne! I've tried tonic water by Schweppes. I was excited to see if it would work, but unfortunately I couldn't stand the taste.
You are right in that we are all different. RLS in very individual, isn't it? I'm glad that it helps you!
Thanks for posting!
Take care,
Never understestimate the power of a placebo. The most effective painkiller I ever gave someone was a SMARTIE. (UK candy similar to M&Ms), it was a red one!
I could do with a pretend pain killer that would work for me for my RLS, then no side effects.
I tried tonic water a long time ago, sadly it did nothing for me. Glad you find it helpful though.
It had a side effect, a bright red tongue
Ha ha.
I find some relief from the quinine as well... I'm licensed for med. marijuana but not being a smoker the puff thing chokes me, and I broke out in hives from the pills.