In desperation to get some sleep last night I had my usual 0.52mg. Pramipexole at 10pm and at 2am with still no possibility of sleep I took a zopiclone sleeping tablets 7.5mg at 3pm in desperation I took a Gabapentin 100mgtablet the next thing I knew it was9.14 am. It was fabulous to get some sleep at last but I know I can't keep doing this tonight I'm thinking of not taking the zopiclone and cuuting the pramipexole down to .26mg do you think this is the right thing to do answer would be appreciated
Gabapentin : In desperation to get some... - Restless Legs Syn...

You might get varying replies to this, that might not exactly agree with each other. My experience is I take both Pramipexole and Gabapentin. I am cutting down my Pramipexole. However I take 300 mg Gabapentin in divided doses, 100 mg in the morning and 200 mg evening. I do that as the Gabapentin also helps control my nerve pain.
Others may say differently, but my logic is that why take one thing, wait to see if it works, then if it doesn't take something else? I take both at the same time and earlier than 10 pm.
I have been prescribed Zopiclone but I would never use it regularly, dire emergency only. I haven't actually taken any as yet.
If you cut down the Pramipexole, do it slowly and you could increase the Gabapentin. Replies to your previous posts say you could increase up to 900mg a day.
There seems to be some controversy about Gabapentin not working until you stop taking Pramipexole, as has been previously said to you but even so, it takes a while to start being effective anyway.
You should also take sleep hygiene measures. Some people say it is pointless if you have RLS, but I have recently read an article by a reputable RLS expert saying you should still use sleep hygiene measures
If you want further info on this, let me know.

i've never taken pramipexole but have been on gabapentin for 4 years following a brain surgery and injury from radiation (go figure). the gabapentin makes me "drunk" but doesn't help with sleep at ALL. i hang on to walls all the way to the bathroom after i take it. still, i haven't slept for more than 2 hours at a time in years...
Sorry to hear about your problem. Gabapentin can be used for various conditions including epilepsy, migraines, neuropathy and RLS.
It isn't a sedative as such, so doesn't actually promote sleep. Drowsiness can be a side effect.
Pramipexole causes insomnia, so I'm finding that as reduce it, I am sleeping better and I don't think Gabapentin has had any significant effect on my sleep directly.
I don't know whether you have RLS, you don't say, but RLS also causes sleep problems.
Otherwise, I have never suffered brain surgery nor radiation effects.
What has caused my insomnia then, and what relieves it and what causes/relieves yours may be completely different.
The only thing we appear to have in common is Gabapentin, which for me has some mild side effects e.g. I tend to lose my balance more and I walk into things. These are known side effects.
I don't know your medical history so can't offer you any medical advice to help you sleep, but you could try sleep hygiene measures because despite having different health conditions, our basic physiology is the same.
For your information and support needs generally, if you've not already done so I'd recommend you find your nearest Macmillan Cancer Support Information and Support Centre. Many centres offer the "Hope" course which is designed to help people find their "new normal". You might find it helpful.
Hi. It’s great that you got sleep! I hear you loud and clear, though. I augmented on Pramipexole in 2015 and it was Hell on Earth. I sometimes took sleeping pills out of desperation, but I knew I couldn’t keep it up with the looming possibility of addiction.
Please hang in there! Believe it or not, it does get better! You will get out of this! It sounds like you’re in a place where you are unable to believe that (I sure was!), but it’s true! Take it from someone who was in utter despair of things ever getting any better. I was convinced that there was no light at the end of my tunnel, which led me to contemplate suicide at many times during my Hell. I remember telling people that I was “doomed to walk the streets”. I was pleasantly surprised and delighted beyond belief when my Hell ended just as abruptly as it started!! Please stay strong!
I’m not one to give medical advice since I’m not a doctor and don’t know your medical history, but I will say that Pramipexole needs to be reduced very slowly.

Thank you for your encouraging reply. I saw my gp this am out of desperation I had no sleep at aall last night horrendous walking the floor all night. He told me to keep on with the pramipexole and increase the Gabapentin to 200mg at night and also when necessary take a zopiclone in order to get some sleep. He adde that no two people are the same with rls and a lot of the treatment is by trial and error which did make sense to me.
I find the illness does not follow logic. But hearing that you have come through it is encouraging I have felt suicidal at times especially in the early hours.
You’re right. I also find that this syndrome is illogical. I was doing really well in terms of RLS, then last night happened. I haven’t a clue what I did differently (expect to drink more water, but that’s a good thing, right?) I took the easy way out (took a sleeping pill — same one you take). I was not going to deal with any crap. I’ve been so traumatized by my Augmentation that I never again want to be up all night with my legs.To tell you the truth, last night was the fourth pill I had taken in two weeks. This road puts me in a similar dilemma as yours with the possibility of addiction. I know I can’t keep hiding behind a sleeping pill, but I don’t want to deal bad nights, but I also know that they can be addictive. To top it all off, every time I reach for a Zopiclone I hear my psychiatrist’s voice telling me that these are only to be used in emergencies and short term.
When I augmented, my favorite time of night was 4:45am. That was when I could hear the first trains going in and out of the nearby station, which signaled that the world would be getting up soon (and more importantly the sun, so that I could get a real shot at some sleep)
Your GP is correct in saying that people have varying journeys with RLS and that its trial and error to find what works.
I hope that you find what works for you sooner rather than later!🙂

Hi Jessica, sorry to hear you need the Zoplicone occasionally. Make sure you jot down when you take them (which nights); in that way you’ll be able to track down whether it worsens or not. I hope not!
Thanks! That’s a great idea! I sure hope things aren’t worsening, which leads me to the question that is periodically asked on here: how do you know if it’s Augmentation and how do you know if it’s just natural worsening of RLS?
This being so fed up whenever an intense act comes on to just take the easy way out with a sleeping pill is a little worrisome. Even though my Augmentation was 4 years ago, this is a fairly recent thing.

Hi Sails my rls pattern is following similar lines to yours but I do take a lot more sleeping tablets than you I have had four on consecutive nights not because of rls but insomnia I just can't drop off to sleep I do try to follow good sleep hygiene but no matter what I can't drop off. I usually take a zopiclone at midnight to 2am when I gave given up all hope of sleep I know it's not ideal but walking about a 4am is torture it's an insidious disease
It sure is annoying! My main problem right now is really poor sleep quality. Although able to fall asleep (and stay asleep for the most part!), I always wake up feeling like I either didn't sleep at all or slept a very tiny amount. I know that I really shouldn't complain. I am 85-90% better than I was a few years back when I couldn't stay in bed for more than 5 minutes at a time, but I still hate it! I had so much energy even 5 years ago (pre-RLS); the road to accepting that I don't have that anymore is a tough one.
As you cut back on the Pramipexole, I would keep the Gabapentin as low as possible. If you can get a good sleep with just 100mg, you're very lucky. 300 mg at bedtime has worked well for me for five years with a minimum of side effects.
As mentioned before, starting dose for Gabapentin is 300mg, 3 times a day. Morning, Noon and Night. No other medication. Stopped RLS almost instantly. You can reduce dose once settled. See a doctor.
My suggestion is, take the two doses at once, one hour or more before bedtime or before RLS usually starts.
I take 0.25mgm tabs. At approx 3pm, 2 tabs and on going to bed another one tab. I have used pramipexol for about 10 years now, it works amazingly well but don't be afraid to take an extra tab if you have to( I am a retired pharmacist). If i miss the 3pm dose & realise it at bedtime, I take the 3 at once but it takes up to 90 minutes to take affect. Stress, antidepressants, anti nauseants, calcium channel blockers (blood pressure)
trigger RLS. Too much alcohol, caffeine & concentrated sugar plus "Lack of Sleep" exacerbate RLS.. Gabapenten
makes for real sleepiness next dat
Dear Hoochybaby, I assume Pramipexole is Sifrol. Yes, it is. I took it for about 8-10 years with no problems. Then it augmented and I did not sleep for two months. I suggested going back on it. Dr said yes at a lower dose, which was later raised to what it used to be. It is working, so long as I don't get overtired or forget to take it. Once the RLS has begun, it takes at least three hours for it to work, so long as I am not overtired. If overtired, I will be lucky if it works at all. Then I have it day and night. At times it is a vicious cycle, but persist and it gradually gets back to normal. I take it at 12.00noon, 3.00pm and 7.00pm. I was only taking the first two, but it wasn't enough, now its enough, so long as I do it on time and am not overtired. I take .25mg. If having problems with it not working for the above reasons (or an reason), I walk on my treadmill (or up and down the passage) for about 5-10 minutes and it goes away for about 20 minutes. Repeat as often as necessary. However, even that depends on which type of RLS I have at the time. If its in the joints and there is that build up until you HAVE TO MOVE, walking works. However, if its between the joints (eg calf or anywhere), nothing works until it decides to go. Another thing I found for the first of these two varieties is that eight sips of hot water takes it away, and I could sleep for an hour. This was before I took a drug, so it may not work now, as taking the drug always worsens the problem. But you could try it. My brother has RLS too and he said that if it hasn't worked at night, he takes 1/2 a Sifrol with 1/4 Panadol and it works. He started with one Panadol, but kept reducing it so he could take the least, and he got down to 1/4. It didn't work for me though. Dear friend, this is a horrible malady as you know, like being in a torture chamber. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Hope all this helps. Maranatha 777.
I am also in process of getting rid of pramipaxole. Last night, none for 1st time in 10 yrs. slept 5 straight hours! I have been weaning for months and taking gabapentin. I take 300 mg am, 600mg afternoon and 900 mg evening. I’m also getting iron infusions for low ferritin. I have been on a mission to “cure” this for years and am saddened that it took so long to get the infusions etc. Keep plugging away!!
My neurologist put me on 2 —-100 mg. Gabapentin and 6 mg melatonin at 8 p.m. and at 9 p.m. I take 300 mg. of Gabapentin, 1— 15 mg. Restoril capsule, and 4 ——0.25 mirapex. I sleep all night and do not feel groggy in the morning.
Gabapentin has improved my symptoms of RLS and sleep 100%. I take 600mg about an hr before bed and it really help me. I don’t take any other meds.