What are people’s experience with acupuncture?
Acupuncture : What are people’s... - Restless Legs Syn...

Not for me. Helped my anxiety but did nothing for my legs. I even had an attack while the pins were stuck in me!
If you put acupuncture in the search box you will be able to read other people’s experiences.
Sadly didn’t help my RLS at all and I saw the ‘experts’ from Beijing University who visit the acupuncture centre in Camden London. They then gave me the most disgusting Chinese herbs to brew and drink. I would gag every time I tried to drink and my neighours complained of the smell.
Thanks that’s helpful
Useless for RLS symptoms. X
Yes, acupuncture did help me somewhat. I keep moving all day and cannot nap. It relaxed my legs and took symptoms from a 10 to a 6.
Yes it helped. However, I have financial limitations. Did you try a massage therapy school? There is one near here. They charge but less that a private therapist. Massage helped me; however, I do not have $300.00 to spare weekly.