Has anyone tried acupuncture for restless legs, if so what was the outcome?
Acupuncture: Has anyone tried... - Restless Legs Syn...

It didn't help.
It didn’t help me at all.
No help at all. Unfortunately.
Almost made my legs worse!
It seems to help me from a big picture perspective. It’s not an overnight fix generally though I’ve had immediate relief every so often. I love acupuncture and wish my insurance covered it.
It helped me! I went to a practicioner who was Chinese and practiced all elements of Chinese medicine...her accupuncture helped a great deal. It didn't eliminate my pain but did minimize it. Unfortunately she was very expensive and my insurance didn't cover much. So I tried a different practioner who was not Chinese...more of a physical therapist and her accupunture didn't help much at all. I think its worth a try if the cost is manageable.
I don’t know about acupuncture for RLS, but I had a serious neck injury about 1.5 years ago which physical therapy helped some but not nearly enough and I followed up with acupuncture which in 3 months of treatment cleared up about 99% of my neck issues. But with only a handful of acupuncture treatments left, I injured my back which reaggravated my neck. The acupuncturist recommended monthly “maintainance” visits which, coincidentally I received the approval just a couple of days ago from the VA for 8 additional visits. I have an appointment with my acupuncturist on Sept. 9th and it is my hope that he will treat me not only for my neck issues but also my chronic back issues which physical therapy couldn’t completely resolve. I am very confident, that my neck issues will be resolved as well as my chronic back issues. This is a long way of saying that acupuncture helped with issues that physical therapy didn’t completely resolve. I hope that your acupuncture treatment for RLS is similarly successful.
That's terrible that with your neck issues cleared up that you injured your back which reaggrevated your neck. Hope the acupuncture clears up everything for you soon.
Thank you for your good wishes. Based on my prior successful treatments, I am very confident that the 8 additional acupuncture visits will resolve my neck issues and, assuming I’m right that the VA authorization includes treatments for my back problems as well, I am highly confident that my back problems will be satisfactorily resolved.
Waste of time. Does not work.
Did absolutely nothing apart from making me poor !