I am glad they are calling it a disease because it indeed is debilitating..I found mirapex to work well for me so I am still in disbelief as to why my doctor would not refill prescription one I have taken for years with good results..she condemned me to a sentance of sleepless night depression and the terrible anxiety that leads to expecting the symptoms..Only meditation deep breathing and prayer help..I do take magnesium and a very good multi vitamin that seems to reduce not take away the symptoms..I actually appealed to my doctor in tears but she said she had not seen me in two years and would be liable..the reasons I could not get to her were my inability to walk and no money and lost insurance due to not being able to work..America needs major medical reform major...she also told me because of government regulations she could not make a house call. America you are on the wrong path and need to stop putting greed or liability the same thing before compassion!
Medical Reform Urgent: I am glad they... - Restless Legs Syn...
Medical Reform Urgent

I am so sorry for you. Don’t know what to advise you. Maybe others can.
Please hang in there and at least keep posting for mental support.
Nightdancer is in the States she may be able to advice you of any help available regarding having no insurance or means to pay for your medications. I am so sorry you are suffering like this it is inhumane x
I am so sorry to hear this. I agree- it is inhumane to give treatment and meds only to the rich.
I am thankful every day that I live in England where healthcare is free. Our NHS is under threat due to lasting austerity after the 2008 financial crisis and we need to fight hard to save it so we don't end up with a heartless, unfair system.
I have no idea what to advise. I really hope some of our US visitors to this site might be able to point you in the direction of help.
I can only suggest you try alternative methods, like taking ferrous bisglycinate to get serum ferritin above 100, keep taking the magnesium at night, wearing compression socks, taking really hot baths, making sure you are not taking any OTC anti histamines, avoiding alcohol and caffeine.
I really hope
I empathize. My new neurologist wants to take me off Pramipexole (Mirapex) and put me on Gabapetin! I used max of Gabapentin over 5 years ago. Don't want to go back. I think I have been relegated to working with her NP. Doctor's don't listen - or very few anyway.