I haven't seen any comments about having rls in your arms(ras?). I have as much or more in my arms. A lot of times I will have it start in 1 leg then go to 1 arm. Sometimes both arms at same time but rarely. Never arms and legs at same time. Am I alone??
RLS in Arms (RAS): I haven't seen any... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS in Arms (RAS)

Hi Woody4. I have had RLS runs simultaneously in one arm and one leg; both arms; both legs or most commonly, RLS moves from one leg to the other. It will start in the left and then stop as it silently moves to the right leg and hits again. When I have RLS in my legs it is almost exclusively in the quads, almost never in the hamstrings and when it is in the arms it can be anywhere above the elbow. I hope you get some answers to your question - it's a good one!
Lots of people report getting it in their arms. It is particularly common amongst people who are taking a dopamine agonist drug such as mirapexin or ropinerole due to augmentation but some unfortunate sufferers get it in their arms even without exacerbating drugs. I sometimes get it in my torso also.
When my symptoms first started, they were only in my legs. My doctor prescribed DAs and after a week, I started getting the same symptoms in my arms. I switched to opioids and the symptoms went back to just my legs. But now if I try a non-opioid medication (or no medication), the arm symptoms come right back.
I get it in arms too, sometimes also across back and shoulders and sometimes even my scalp. It's worse in my legs but can appear anywhere and I don't and never have taken a DA ( have taken Pregabalin though). Think arms etc is just an indication of severity level. I also now get pain which I never used to and have seen others describe this. I do have peripheral neuropathy as well. My most recent idea is that my pain is due to all the use of the muscles as they frequently move about. I hope it would also have the effect of increased fitness but doesn't seem to!
Hi Woody4 just to let you know that i have had RLS in both legs and both arms when an episode was very severe ...i thought i was going to have a breakdown it was awful. Last night my left leg was tapping away and my arms were driving me mad. You arent alone and i am sure there are so many on here who suffer in their arms too
RLS in Arms - This question is for those of you who responded YES for RLS in your arms.
If I looked at you while you have an episode what would I see?
I think my husband has it (or it is something else and I don't know what it is...) for years he has only had restless legs. With time it gradually became more obvious and frequent both while he is a wake and during sleep. But in the last two years I have noticed major restlessness in his arms and hand two. Shoulder shrugging involuntarily, fingers moving, and big repetitive movements as if his hands move on their on. His hand would "fly" up and than he'll touch his nose as if to do something with it. I see him sit and sleep on his hands which tells me this is driving him nuts (never speaks about it or share anything with me). Do the things i describe sound familiar to any of you who have restless arms?
* He is is not taking any medications
I get the RLS in my arms and hands and feel its worse then in my legs because at least when its in my legs I can stand and get some relief, but when its in my arms and hands there is nothing I can do but wring my hands. I hate it. So you are not alone.
Thanks to all. When I first told Dr about arms he just looked at me with disbelief. Other sufferers have also said they had never heard of it. Now I know I'm not the only one. Thanks again
Occasionally, if i have a glass of wine, or sometimes for no known reason, i wake up tingling and throbbing fron head to toe. If i get out of bed and stretch vigorously for 5-10 minutes it subsides. Scared me the first time it happened.
I've had it in the arms, and it was far worse than legs and I've only had it in arms twice and each time it was after I'd taken Nytol........ Twice I took Nytol and each time after a while of being asleep I was woken by my arms thrashing as they were hideously squeamish and like bending fingernails back or squeaky chalk on blackboards, was awful for the next 3 hours, never taken Nytol again, and never had restless arms since
Just looked up Nytol. It seems to be basically an antihystamine. Many find them a trigger. I cannot take phenergan. I hate the feeling when I get rls in my hands and arms.
Thankfully not very often.
Hi there, I too suffer RLS in my arms as well as my legs. I gave started having it in my chest area too. Fortunately, I don't get it in my legs arms and chest all at the same time. I can start off with it in say, my right leg, that can switch over to my left leg during an attack. Same for my arms. It can become unbearable when it starts off in my chest. You can't get up and walk it off or swing your arms about for relief. A shower gives relief but not always stops it. I suppose you could call it Restless Body Syndrome.
I have RLS in my arms and legs too. I find curling up into a little ball when I'm in bed facing head down does help a bit if it's not too bad. Otherwise I'm up quick marching on the spot whilst watching TV (distraction helps a lot I've found).