Does cool air at night on bare arms bother anyone else? I have to wear long sleeves if the fan is running or my arms bother me.
RLS in my arms : Does cool air at night... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS in my arms

I find the opposite - if I'm too warm I itch all over (opiates and vit d 3) so I have to sleep wthout cover- and then get too cold!!! And wake up . Check the emails and Wassapps. 😎
Lifes a bummer.😠
Don't know if this will help but I find I sleep better if my back is not covered. Don't know if it will help thanks
I am opposite as heat makes my rls worse, I love sticking my arms and legs out of the covers to get cool air on them. Strange how we are all different x
The heat makes my rls worse and wen mine is really bad I find even my pj's touching my skin irritats me and I need to sleep bare
Yes, I have to always have some kind of sweater on if air is blowing on me. If I'm out in the sun I'm ok but in the car with AC, I need a sweater. I'm currently sitting on my couch with a robe on because the cool air from the AC and fan is bothersome. I have restless legs but also think I have it in my arms. When I'm really tired I feel like my arms and legs want to jerk all over. So annoying. If I get up and walk around, stretch my arms and drink some Powerade or Gatorade it helps me a bit. I'm not on any medication for it. Probably should be. Recently had surgery where they gave me medicine to knock me out. But they ended up having to use the breathing tube and put me out deeper because of my restless legs.
I know how hard RLS is I understand. This hits me worst at night in my arms it's like a dull ache and I have to get my husband to rub really deep to have relief from it. My husband will say don't get cold because your arms will bother you. It's such a blessing to have a partner that understands. I have my RLS in my arms and legs in control better I have lowered my meds to .75 in Meripex extended release and I'm excited to call and get a lower dose of that to try. I'm controlling with a better diet and I eat a light dinner and take my med around 5:00 everyday I live a normal life without this RLS controlling me. When I took the meripex in reg dose which was 1mg and a 1/2 I had to go to bed or I would feel sick. I didn't like that it wasn't normal. I wanted to share this hopefully it helps others Diet is so important and eat light and before 6:00 it's helping me. I love this group has helped me not feel alone with RLS.
Hi Artsy, I never thought about it, but now that you mention it I'll air myself here from a feeling I've had for years. I've never mentioned it to anyone, I didn't and still don't think it's important, but the cold or cool air at night ,( we also use a ceiling fan, my husband can't sleep without it), on my arms feel like they BURN with the cold air. Just the skin, nothing internal, so I also keep them covered. It feels like a stinging sensation, or burning, I can't explain it better. I have not put the blame on any meds, but I just thought it was because I don't like the cold and it affects me. Curious for other posts to see if anyone else besides you and me feel this. Lol