Well...having had RLS and Period Limb Movement diagnosed in 2000 (following a chance conversation with a friend/colleague who worked in the sleep study dept of a large teaching hospital) although I certainly had symptoms from childhood, I have had UK hospital/ Consultant input since 2000 and from approx 2005 this has been in the North East of England.
Following sleep studies/recordings/observation the pharmacology based treatment journey started with Sinemet and exactly as Christopher Earley describes in the video on Augmentation within a short while I'd hit a brick wall-near perfect sleep to back to square one within the blink of an eye. Actually, although I say the pharmacology treatment started with Sinemet the first line treatment of choice offered was Diazepam, it was very clear from the start that the RLS was not a passing phase-it would be with me for life.
As a nurse working within addiction services my mind was almost blown apart at the very prospect of being commenced on such a dependency creating medication and I was unequivocal; if that's the only option then I'll stay as I am no matter how awful it it is (at that time) so Sinemet was commenced and at the same time a referral for a 2nd opinion (not my request) at St Thomas' Hospital in London. All well for a month and then it's as though I wasn't taking any medication at all...so back to Outpatients Clinic and Pergolide was commenced at 250mcg at night.
So from around 2000-2005 the Pergolide does the job at night although still real difficulty sitting in the theatre/rail journeys etc
2004 I moved to the North East of England and sought out a clinician to be referred to with specialist knowledge and by and large very supportive and clearly knowledgeable . Over the the following years there were attempts to exchange the Pergolide for something else. Consultant keen to get me off Pergolide, as I understood it due to the peripheral vascular side effects I was developing (hands/feet -hot/cold, Rayneuds type symptoms) So Pramipaxole was tried-no effect whatsoever and Rotigitine patch also tried which, then, was part of a trial-the adhesive in the patch burnt and scarred the skin on my upper arms so that was stopped...back to Pergolide...with the dose having increased to 500mcg at night. The word Augmentation never is mentioned...
My magnesium and iron levels are all ok...
Years go by, nightly Pergolide continues and the symptoms are now encroaching into the early evening, so try splitting the Pergolide dose morning and night-minimal impact
Life rolls on, being a passanger in a car or flights are murderous-I stood / walked up and down the entire flight to Singapore on more than one occasion.
Hospital Appts continue every year or so, discussion are had re swapping to Benzodiazapine (Diazepam) and I repeat the same concerns and anxieties from my 20+yrs of working within addiction services. So Pergolide continues...The words Augmentation still never mentioned. Pergolide goes up to 750mcg.
Then in October 2017 my life turned upside down. Went to collect my usual repeat prescription of Pergolide only to discover the pharmacy had not been able to obtain it-to cut a very very long story short I try 30+ pharmacies within 100mile radius of where I live and eventually discover that it is no longer available. Oh My God...the wheels have well and truly come off
The following 7-8 weeks are hell on earth with just short of 30 hours sleep in that time.
Seen by hospital Consultant, days and nights with no sleep, barely functioning. Commence Rotigitine patch which over a couple of weeks goes from 2mg to 3mg and then a combination of the fact that the patch curls at the edges and doesn't actually stay on for 24 hours and the unremitting leg movements means Gabapentin in added. I now feel as though I am really losing my mind. Leg movements are violent-constant kicking, like I'm doing some sort of martial art, legs are on fire, "shin splint" pains, can't even stand the force of the shower on my feet-it's like having shards of glass thrown at them.
Rotigitine patch and Gabapentin are discontinued then Gabapentin on its own is tried and the higher the dose the more violent and constant the leg movements. I cry all the time, I can barely function. The videos make painful watching
Still the words Augmentation are never mentioned...
Commence Ropinorol at 1mg and that works well for approx 3 months-sleep though the night-still the words Augmentation never mentioned by Hospital Consultant
And then I find this site and there is a Ureka moment. For the first time in almost 20 yrs of treatment the awfulness of this begins to make sense and I can absolutely understand what needs to be done-which is get off Dopamine Agonists-but easier said than done. I need to go to work, I work shifts, it's far less simple than you could ever imagine. And now knowing of Augmentation I still need to be able to function so the Ropinerol goes up to 2mg and all is well for some months and then it begins to unravel again.
My years of experience of working in addictions never prepared me for my own, subjective experiences. I need to get off the Ropinerol but also need the uninterrupted time to do it- I work 0 hours contracts or do some contracted work-either way I have no paid annual leave where I could take 2 weeks and make the changes.
So having read more on here and the Christopher Earley webnair/podcasts re opioids for the past 4 nights I am now taking 30mg Codeine at night as well as the Ropinerol 2mg-sleep almost all night and the leg restlessness in the day is reduced.
GP appt next week, am going to request the Ropinerol tablets come in 1mg tablets so I can start reducing so I get off the DA altogether and keep the Codeine going...but what I have no idea of now is what the baseline level of RLS is (once you take Augmentation out of the equation) As a guess it is likely to be where I was back in 2000 because there is no evidence of worsening of the condition (outwith of Augmentation) So I'll aim to come off everything so that I can have some understanding of how bad it actually is and then hopefully treat just with Codeine...it goes against my better judgement re everything I know about opioids BUT...I am now nearer 60 than 50 and the use of Codeine is not ever going to create a situation of Augmentation such as happens with Dopamine Agonists.
And still the Hospital Consultant has never uttered the words Augmentation, nor has ever told me about this organisation-strange that, inspite/despite speaking at the RLS-UK Annual Conference. To say I am saddened and disappointed is an understatement