I was having major problems with RLS at night. It would practically drive me insane and nothing seemed to work and I’m sure a huge number of you can relate to the devastating effects of night after night after night of being sleep deprived.... UNTIL I found this YouTube video of a Dr. Berg, who tied it to a potassium deficiency. I ordered his potassium electrolyte supplement and my RLS is HISTORY! GONE! His supplement is a little expensive in my opinion but the first time I did not mind one bit! After one day of 4 scoops of this drink I had the most amazing night’s sleep. I’ve since been searching for a less expensive alternative and have found one in Ultima Replenisher’s “Ultima Hydrating Electrolyte Powder.” It comes in several flavours. Below is a link to the YouTube video. I was skeptical but I thought, “What the ****? What do I have to lose?” Turns out, it gave me the best night’s sleep I’d had in so very long and I have been able to maintain it. youtu.be/QAoq14NlDQc
RLS linked to a potassium deficiency.... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS linked to a potassium deficiency. I found an electrolyte supplement and my RLS is history!

Delighted it has helped you. This video has been posted before and you’re correct- there are cheaper versions out there.
Potassium & electrolytes help a few people but , sadly, not everyone .
Thanks for sharing
I’m really happy for you! I have never had low or high potassium levels and it’s always spot on. For me, at this moment, I’m worn out and tired of chasing this damn thing! I long to see a physician who knows what they’re doing. Sadly, I don’t think they exist in my area. The closest sleep specialist is about 3-4 hours away and I, more than likely, will not be able to afford it. I’m terribly frustrated and feel alone in my suffering. Even my husband who sees me suffer, doesn’t get it. I’m truly happy for you, though and just have a feeling that potassium isn’t my problem. I do know that too much of it causes arrhythmias as does too little. A healthy potassium level only goes from 3.5 to 4.5 and I’m not prepared to mess with that balance when I’ve never had a problem. I hope your new-found success continues!!
Potassium has a large daily requirement - something like 3500mg. Of course, bananas have 300 mg, but potatoes and other vegetables have much more (500+mg). I take an electrolyte supplement from Hammer nutrition. See this post from 5 months ago. healthunlocked.com/rlsuk/po...
Thanks Mark. I just ordered the one you mentioned. I’m glad it worked for you. Hope I get the same results. I’m always hopeful 😊
Thanks for the post. I have tried magnesium and b12 supplementing but not the potassium. I eat a banana a day and wonder if too much potassium can cause a overdose situation? I found that an imbalance in your potassium can cause tons of problems
Hey there it has been over a year since you posted are you still taking these drinks? Iam thinking about buying myself the cheaper one you suggested. My blood work shows potassium way on the lower end of the range.
How much of the Ultima do you take a day? And are you still taking it or did it go away and you no longer need it?