Still having success (no RLS for almo... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Still having success (no RLS for almost a month now) with B1 supplement and celery juicing.

Reb0013 profile image
41 Replies

About a month ago I posted that I had tried 200 mg of gabapentin before bed and on the first night, my aggravating restless legs calmed down and I was able to sleep. Same thing for 4 nights in a row. Problem was, with all the negative talk of gabapentin side effects I did not want to take it continuously. I have read a lot about both B1 (thiamine) supplementation and also about celery juice. I started both B1 supplementation and fresh celery juicing the day after stopping gabapentin (remember, I only took gaba for 4 consecutive nights and it did work very well for me). I have gone almost a month now without RLS!! It seems to good to be true which is why I waited almost a month to share. I now juice about 3 times a week but take the B1 daily. B1 is water soluable so no fear of a build up. The great thing about the celery juice is now I am regular - what a joy this is. No more physllium husk for fiber. I can't explain any of it but am grateful for this miracle. Perhaps my prayers were answered and perhaps there really is some scientific evidence behind the B1 and the celery juice. I wanted to share because I have compassion for those of us who have suffered and are still suffering. I thought, I have nothing to lose to try this; it's all natural. (The only other supplement I take is a B complex- every other day, not daily as prescribed). I still watch my diet and try to avoid all the trigger foods. I learned of the B1 association with RLS on Dr Berg's youtube videos. A friend had told me about them.

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Reb0013 profile image
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41 Replies
Joolsg profile image

That's great news. Thanks for sharing. I've saved your post in case anyone asks for natural, drug free remedies for RLS.

How fantastic for you. Please continue to keep us updated as to whether the good results are sustained.

Josana13 profile image

Hello Reb0013, Thank you for sharing. I have Super B complex, do you think that might work or what should I do?

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to Josana13

Honestly I can't say; I'm just sharing what is working for me at this time and pray it continues because it has given me a whole new outlook on life. I never knew how sleep deprived my body was until recently.. I mean I did but I had somehow adjusted to no sleep. I feel so much younger and energetic since I've been sleeping well. My B1 is in a B complex but it has a high %. All B vits are water soluble so your body excretes a lot of it. I would take according to the vitamin bottle directions. Otherwise I don't feel I can advise. I did read that B vits are better taken in the morning on an empty stomach though. Best of luck to you.

LanaCSR profile image

So happy to hear of your success!! I noticed you said you take your B1 in a B complex. Can you please tell me what kind/brand B1 do you take and how much do you take? Also, how much celery juice do you drink? Thank you for sharing this with us!

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to LanaCSR

I tried to photo the back label but for some reason could only load (1) photo. This complex has 50 mg of B1.

I juiced organic celery and drank roughly 6-10 ozs a day for 4 weeks along with only (1) of these B complex capsules. (the dosage is actually 2 capsules per label). I still take (1) capsule per day but I juice about 2-3 times a week now and still drink about 8 - 10 ozs each time which is about how much one organic bunch of celery produces. I had severe RLS practically every night for the past 2 yrs and 7 months. I also had RLS in my early 30's, 40's but it came and went. I do not take pharmaceuticals. Not sure if that will make a difference for some folks but again I'm all about sharing what seems to work for some, and maybe not at all for others. I can't attribute the healing of my RLS to anything other than prayers and/or this regimen -for me it happened within a few days of doing this.

b vit complex
KellyDBrille profile image
KellyDBrille in reply to Reb0013

That's one of the better b-complex vitamins, but if you can edit your original post, you should mention it was the b-complex that you took, not just thiamine. Also it's worth noting that many people develop neuropathy from B-6, so b-complex vitamins -- especially with that much b6 can be dangerous.

Whymelord profile image

Hi Reb0013,thankyou for sharing, it's great that this combination works for you,I was not aware of these two things used to treat RLS,I will try these as I believe anything that helps give sufferers ease is worth trying.

GaryHB profile image

Wow thats a great result. Yes maybe your prayers have been answered - I hope mine will be too! I am curious as others are as to how much VitB1 you take. So glad for you! I am also curious about how severe your rls was? Has it been a long standing condition for you?

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to GaryHB

I tried to photo the back label but for some reason could only load (1) photo. This complex has 50 mg of B1.

I juiced organic celery and drank roughly 6-10 ozs a day for 4 weeks along with only (1) of these B complex capsules. (the dosage is actually 2 capsules per label). I still take (1) capsule per day but I juice about 2-3 times a week now and still drink about 8 - 10 ozs each time which is about how much one organic bunch of celery produces. I had severe RLS practically every night for the past 2 yrs and 7 months. I also had RLS in my early 30's, 40's but it came and went. I do not take pharmaceuticals. Not sure if that will make a difference for some folks but again I'm all about sharing what seems to work for some, and maybe not at all for others. I can't attribute the healing of my RLS to anything other than prayers and/or this regimen -for me it happened within a few days of doing this.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to GaryHB

(2) capsules which is the recommended dosage has 50 mg of B1. I only take one capsule a day as this is what is working for me and my B12 is at a normal level so I don't see the point in my taking two.

Vit B -
GaryHB profile image
GaryHB in reply to Reb0013

Thank you - that is very helpful. I have ordered some. And Its a delight to hear you have found a non-pharmaceutical solution. The meds have such side effects. I am really pleased for you. Take care.

CsiguZ profile image

In which form and dosage you take B1 suplement? I took Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine for months as well as other B vitamines, but had not experienced benefits regarding RLS. This supplement has 150mg benfothiamine which is quite high dose.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to CsiguZ

I tried to photo the back label but for some reason could only load (1) photo. This complex has 50 mg of B1.

I juiced organic celery and drank roughly 6-10 ozs a day for 4 weeks along with only (1) of these B complex capsules. (the dosage is actually 2 capsules per label). I still take (1) capsule per day but I juice about 2-3 times a week now and still drink about 8 - 10 ozs each time which is about how much one organic bunch of celery produces. I had severe RLS practically every night for the past 2 yrs and 7 months. I also had RLS in my early 30's, 40's but it came and went. I do not take pharmaceuticals. Not sure if that will make a difference for some folks but again I'm all about sharing what seems to work for some, and maybe not at all for others. I can't attribute the healing of my RLS to anything other than prayers and/or this regimen -for me it happened within a few days of doing this.

Vit B
CsiguZ profile image

I’d bet celery juice could help you to not have RLS, as I strongly belive based on several resarches that RLS is related to some gut related conditions, especially Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and celery juice is thought to be effective against some type of SIBO. In January I had two weeks without any RLS symptoms (prior to that I was not able to sleep a single night for more than a decade without Tramadol), just at the end of my 4 week antimicrobial therapy against my SIBO. Unfortunately my RLS is back, so I guess eradicating my SIBO was not so effective. As I’ve never used celery juice against my SIBO, I’ll give it a try. Thanks for sharing your exparience.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to CsiguZ

CsiguZ: was it easy to get off the Tramadol?

CsiguZ profile image
CsiguZ in reply to TeddiJ

Not at all. Usually my RLS symptoms starts around 10pm thus I take tramadol at 8pm but in January once when I forgot to take my tramadol in time I just realized, that no symptoms at 11pm. But I thought this might be just a one time occasion, so I took my tramadol, but the next night I itentionally postponed to take my tramadol later and again no RLS at all, so did not take it and slept like a baby. This happines lasted for 10 days or so, then symptoms started again and unfortunately since than I have to take tramadol again. But I’m pretty sure I’m close to get rid of RLS for the rest of my life.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to CsiguZ

I see-so you didn't get off of it. I am always looking for someone who somehow got off the DA's and the opioids both. Thanks.

CsiguZ profile image
CsiguZ in reply to TeddiJ

I cannot imagine it’s possible just to simply get off these meds without taking any action to stop having RLS. In my case the actions I believe helped aginst RLS is curing my SIBO, while others try to reduce their systemic inflamation etc.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to CsiguZ

Yes, I meant getting off them with natural solutions. So far in my experience on this forum, it seems long-term DA users can't find natural solutions and have to use meds/opioids for life.

CsiguZ profile image
CsiguZ in reply to TeddiJ

I believe the solution is not to replace DA or opioids with natural soultions, but cure our SIBO or as Eryl thinks to reduce the systemic inflamation of our organs and than you won’t need any meds for RLS.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to CsiguZ

Thank you. Yes, to me, that would be a natural solution, albeit quite involved. I would love to know if this works for someone who has taken DA's long-term. I have asked Reb before and she did not take DA's, luckily. Unluckily, I did, and I really hate relying on an opioid or kratom. They have both made my life pretty miserable although they have also been lifesavers with the RLS. of course.

Little_apple profile image
Little_apple in reply to CsiguZ

May I ask if you were tested for SIBO and what treatments you used? I’ve heard that once one has it, keeping it away is a life long endeavor. Dr. Will Davis discusses gut health at great length. He recommends Lactobacillus reuteri for RLS.

CsiguZ profile image
CsiguZ in reply to Little_apple

I was tested positive for hydrogen SIBO via lactulose breath test, had gastroscopy and found my duodenum inflamed. I’ve read the Super Gut book from Dr. Davis and make L. Reuteri yogurt since end of December and the Super SIBO yogurt since January. When my RLS gone in January for nearly two weeks, my first thought was that the Reuteri yogurt helped, but even though that I consume the yogurt every day, my RLS is back unfortunately. Besides the Reuteri yogurt I treated my SIBO four weeks in December with herbal antimicrobials, like berberine, curcumin, allicin, grapefruit seed oil etc and in order to heal my gut lining I took L-Glutamine. I’m pretty sure I’m close to completely get rid of RLS, I just have to figure out how to cure my SIBO completely.

CsiguZ profile image
CsiguZ in reply to CsiguZ

I have two theory why my RLS is back:

1. I was not able to completely cure my SIBO with the herbal protocol and the bacterial population (especially pathogens) in my small intestine was increasing again

2. While I made my first batch of L. Reuteri yogurt from the BioGaia tablets, starting from the 2nd bacth I use two tablespoons of yogurt from my previous batch and maybe the newee batches have lower CFU of L. Reuteri.

I plan to create new yogurt from scratch using tablets again and also a new herbal protocol but at this time for 6 weeks and use a biofilm buster as one of my pathogen bacteria found in my microbiome test is Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which is well known from creating biofilms as a defense mechanism.

Little_apple profile image
Little_apple in reply to CsiguZ

I’m excited to have found someone so knowledgable! I believe I have methane SIBO and my worsened RLS is at least in part bc I reintroduced grains and dairy. I regret that!

Back on low carb no dairy I go!

Do you know if RLS is related to poor protein defection? An indican test can determine this. The Allicin you take (I take it too) should help with protein digestion. I believe I have methane SIBO and I need to get tested. I also take Berberine. I just started.

I bought a yogurt maker but have yet to make the yogurt you are making.

“and use a biofilm buster as one of my pathogen bacteria found in my microbiome test is Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which is well known from creating biofilms as a defense mechanism.” That is all new to me and I look forward to learning more!

What about fermented foods? Stanford study showed they increase SCFA like Butyrate

CsiguZ profile image
CsiguZ in reply to Little_apple

In case you have methane dominant SIBO, you are probably constipated, that’s one of the telltale sign of this type of SIBO, but I strogly advice you to get tested for SIBO via breath test. If SIBO is confirmed, I suggest you to get help from a naturopath, who is well experienced in SIBO treatments and protocols.

In case of making probiotic yogurts instead of a yogurt maker I recommend to buy a sous vide stick for three reasons:

1. most of the yougurt makers’ timer can be set maximum for 24 hours, while these special yogurts need 36 hours fermentation, thus you have to pay attention to restart the device after 24 hours to add an extra 12 hours, while most of the sous vide sticks can be set for max. 99 hours

2. most yogurt makers cannot keep the temperature precisely and while it’s not a problem for the bacteria in normal yogurt cultures, in case of L. Reuteri this could be an issue as it’s optimal temperature is 37 celsius, but dies if the temperature exceeds 41-42 celsius.

3. If you have a sous vide stick, you can easily make delicious stakes and other meals :)

Little_apple profile image
Little_apple in reply to CsiguZ

Thank you! I had never heard of a sous vide stick. It’s now in my online cart!

And someone in my extended family will be getting a yogurt maker next Christmas. ☺️

Eryl profile image

The Vit B1 has anti inflammatory properties, though if people are eating a lot of inflammoatory foods it probably won't cancel all the effect and they will have to change their diet if they want to be rid of rls.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to Eryl

I am very particular about my diet 98% of the time.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Reb0013

So am I and it had eliminated my rls untill a stroke and Bell's Palsy brought back mild symptoms when I've over exersised.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to Eryl

So sorry to hear that; I wish you continued recovery

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Reb0013

Recovering well thanks considering that it's only been 3 months. Had an opthalmist appt. today and vision has recovered well enough to drive. I'm walking morning and evening almost every day and with pottering about the house am clocking up over six miles every day.

Washmo profile image

Hi- I wanted to share my B1 experience. I saw one of Dr. Berg's videos on restless leg too which recommended vitamin B1. I had never heard that, but I value Dr. Berg's advice (lots of health videos that make sense, so I bought the B1 (Nature's Made-50 mg). I took 2 and my legs were quieter that night. It has been about 2 weeks and I do notice a difference. I was waiting to share to see if it would continue, but I am hopeful. I have used Gabapentin (but made me too groggy the next day) and tramadol, which works decently, but am currently out. I will look into the celery juice and add it. I will follow up in a month or so.

SueJohnson profile image
SueJohnson in reply to Washmo

Have you had your ferritin checked? Improving your ferritin to 100 or more helps 60% of people with RLS and in some cases completely eliminates their symptoms. If you haven't when you see your doctor ask for a full iron panel. Stop taking any iron supplements including in a multivitamin that have iron in them 48 hours before the test, fast after midnight and have your test in the morning. When you get the results, ask for your ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT) numbers. You want your transferrin saturation to be over 20% but less than 45% and your ferritin to be at least 100. If they are not, post them here and we can give you advice.

Washmo profile image
Washmo in reply to SueJohnson

I told my sleep doctor last year about the iron connection and she said your numbers are fine so no iron infusion. I'm gonna revisit it with her the next time I go and try and explain to her the more in-depth iron testing. Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to Washmo

Thks for sharing! Let us know in another couple of weeks how your progress is!

BAB97TIE profile image
BAB97TIE in reply to Reb0013

are you still symptom free?

TeddiJ profile image

This is fantastic news, Reb; so happy for you.

BAB97TIE profile image

Could you please let us know how you are doing with the b1 and celery juice? Are you still symptom free?

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to BAB97TIE

Hi there! Yes, I am so sorry I've been busy with life and work and some vacation time and just haven't gotten back on this forum. I am doing great!! My RLS has decreased about 90%. I occasionally have a flair up and then I think back to what I wasn't doing and sure enough, it will be because I've gotten off my routine: I'm doing fresh celery juice 2-3 x /week. The coenzyme Vit B Complex which has the B1 I so needed. Plus I've added Quercetin for inflammation. I also take Vit D, Calcium and C. For me, this has provided the answer to my 2 yr struggle and trial and error of different fixes. I believe inflammation of any kind plays a large part in RLS. I am reasonably gluten free but if I slip I don't worry about it because I am not Celiac - I just feel better and see a positive difference when I try to keep most of the gluten out of my diet. I do not take Mg any longer but I do use a wonderful electrolyte powder by Dr. Berg. No sugar and has everything you need when you need a little extra electrolytes to help the muscles relax at night. It's very hot where I live so the heat takes a lot out of our bodies. I use electrolytes maybe 3 times a week depending on my needs.

Thanks for getting back and best of luck to you. My life has turned around and I sleep again. I am not on any medication nor do I take much of anything for sleep. Occasionally I'll take a little Delta 8 for sleep but not often. I do travel with it just in case.

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