I hope everyone is well and that the responses to my post are helpful to others as well as for myself. Apologies for the long post and the long list of questions
Before having ever taken any medication my symptoms are constant significant fatigue, memory loss, cognitive decline. My vision is significantly affected, difficult to describe how, maybe poor visual perception but it's worse in the mornings. I have had many eye examinations and no problem found so maybe my brain has a problem making sense of what my eyes are seeing. Falling asleep is very difficult and takes hours - often awake all night. When I do manage to sleep, I feel like I have a massive hangover in the morning. I was completely unaware of any RLS or PLMS. To confuse things even more, I have Sleep Apnea but it is controlled well with a CPAP machine which I have used consistently every night for years. After yet another sleep study, I was diagnosed with severe RLS
The first medication I took was Morphine (at night only) which caused me nightly violent all body jerking (even the soles of my feet !!!) which would wake me often, severe RLS during the day and night. My legs were so tired I had to crawl up / down stairs. All my other symptoms such as fatigue, poor vision etc remained strong
I have taken Gabapentin (at night only). I would get some minor RLS before bed which would resolve with Gabapentin and was aware of some minor limb movements in my arms and legs (which would wake me up slightly during sleep). Gabapentin helped me fall asleep quicker to an extent but all my other symptoms such as fatigue, poor vision etc remained strong
Currently, I am on Gabapentin and Ropinirole (at night only). I can fall and stay asleep fairly well. I get some minor RLS before bed but all my other symptoms such as fatigue, poor vision and memory etc remain strong
Now for the questions -
Is it possible to have severe RLS / PLMS and just not be aware of it? I had no physical symptoms (that I was aware of) before medication but became well aware of it once I was taking Morphine
Does this sound like augmentation ? I thought that only happened with dopamine agonists and not on opiates / opioids ?
Most of what I have read on forums etc suggest the overwhelming symptoms of RLS / PLMS are pain / uncomfortable sensations and this is what has a serious impact on quality of life. My symptoms are zombification, fatigue, memory, cognitive, vision problems etc and this is what is having a serious impact on my quality of life. Does this ring a bell for anyone ?