I just wanted to pop a post on here that might help some people.
I suffered from RLS in my teens and then for the last 9 years (I am now 44). About 3 months ago I felt like I was at breaking point as I was getting on average an hours sleep a night.
I have been to the doctors a couple of times and was basically told I had to live with it.
Anyway 3 months ago I went again and asked for a blood test. The doctor assured me there would be nothing wrong with my bloods but agreed.
3 days later I got a call to say I had iron levels of 5 and I needed to go straight in to pick up an iron tablets.
After 6 days of taking the tablets my RLS just disappeared from one night to the next and I have gone from hours and hours lying awake in bed to being asleep within 5 minutes of my head hitting the pillow.
I know I am one of the lucky ones as I think only 25% of rls is due to iron deficiency but I am hoping some of you haven’t had blood tests yet and it could be the reason.