Hello this is my first post 19/06/2018. I am 69yrs old with arthitis & partially sighted. I have recently come off prescription Zopiclone as it made me like a zombie a since I started taking prescription Amitriptyline for arthritic pain in my back, legs & knees. I fell down the stairs recently & injured my head & shoulders (CT scans; Xrays etc) So I gave up the sleeping tablet (with my doctors knowledge) but can only sleep a few hours at a time, usually 1am - 4am; then stay awake for 1-2hrs; then sleep for only 2 hours; then stay awake for 3-4hrs then sleep for only 1 hour. I had concussion in my thirties & was clinically depressed for 10years until a few years ago but I still take 40mg of Fluoxetine a day. I gave up smoking 2 years ago but still have a couple of Gin & tonics in the evenings. If anybody has a similar experience I appreciate hearing from you. thank you all.
Sleeping for only a few hours at time. - Restless Legs Syn...
Sleeping for only a few hours at time.

Hi welcome, do you have RLS or is your problem insomnia? If you do have RLS then Amitriptyline will almost certainly make it worse and so will alcohol and Fluoxetine x
Oh, Pipps ,so lovely to hear you on site again!!🤩🤩. And as usual--- spot on with the advice.
My answer completely.
HI, would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the list of meds that can trigger RLS, or ramp up the symptoms. Everything you mentioned, except the sleeping pill you stopped, WILL make RLS worse or even cause it 99% of the time for RLSer's. Do you "only" have insomnia, or do you have RLS, that urge to move (mostly your legs, but can be in any part of the body) that you cannot ignore. Are you just awake when you are not sleeping, or are you pacing, and cannot sit still?
Thanks for your response Dancer. My real problem is not being able to sleep for more than 4 hours at a time.
If I sleep 4 hours it is exceptional. Mostly one and a half hours is normal. After a trip to the bathroom I can sleep for another one and a half hours. Sometimes I have to stay up for a while doing chores before going back to sleep for another short time. The upside to a bad night is getting up in the morning to a well ordered flat. As my rls rarely troubles me in the morning I can sit until lunch time.
Hello Insomnia, my sympathies, that is all not bloody fair. Odd how all the crap gets heaped on just a few heads. I feel like Job sometimes.
I think you should re-think the Prozac, it is definitely contra-indicated for WED, all the boffins say so. It makes the symptoms worse.
The one anti-depressant that is recommended is Wellbutrin.
The sleeping tablet most recommended is Eszopiclone, which is not the same as Zopiclone. Perhaps you should ask about that too.
Zopiclone does absolutely nothing for me, except shrink my rather small bank account.
Alcohol can be a trigger, so try a couple of days without the G&T, and see if it makes a difference. You might have to shift the pleasure to lunch-time. Become a Lady Who Lunches.
You seem not to take anything specific to WED? Are you?
Hi Parminter, thanks for your comment. Very good. Food for thought there. Will discuss it with my Doctor, Thanks Steve