Hi everyone, just been musing since yesterday when I realise that most likely we still don't really know what the cause of RLS and what the effect of treatments are in the long run - do they make us worse in the end? This started once I was writing about my gut feeling that maybe Pregabalin in the end made me permanently worse - or was it just natural progression?
I've often thought that somehow the sensations come down the pain pathways even though most don't have pain - but it's so uncomfortable. Does anyone know if there have been any 'active' scan studies while symptoms are present or is that impossible as scan need folk to stay still?
I was thinking about how it is known that if folk take regular pain killers for headaches which they feel they need they run into the condition which was called when I was at work 'chronic daily headache' as a result of this. It takes at least 6 weeks of no treatment at all for this effect to wear off. All regular pain killers for most conditions seem to eventually stop working, opiates but others as well.
And then there was the recent TV programme suggesting that kids who are given eg Calpol often for minor conditions seem to develop some sort of change in the regulation of pain?
Does anyone know if any of the pain specialists are taking RLS on as their remit? I think they do for fibromyalgia.
I don't know but I just wonder if we are being made worse and dependent and changin our basic disease patterns by what we are currently being advised, much as folk are trying to help.
.... an open question