Eden Energy and tapping
Has anyone done Eden Energy work or t... - Restless Legs Syn...
Has anyone done Eden Energy work or tapping with RLS?

I don't know what Eden Energy is, but tapping has no scientific backing.
However- if it works for you, even on a placebo effect, then that is all that matters.
RLS is such an individual thing.
I have tried tapping and am on a forum which advocates this method of relief. I have found the most relief after reading articles on The Mindbody Syndrome. If you want more info please msg me.
The Mind Body Syndrome or TMS was discovered by Dr John Sarno. There is a new film out in the US called ‘All the Rage’. He wrote a book called The Divided Mind. A colleague of his Dr Alan Gordon has written a free 21 day program.(I am on day 5) google tmswiki.org
We all know people who go from one ‘ailment’ to the next. Sarno write about a woman in constant pain for 40 yrs. when she was seen by him she was asked about her childhood. She began screaming and crying on the floor asking to be killed. Her husband told the doctor that as a child she had been abused by her father. After meeting with the doctor on several occasions her physical pain disappeared. That is when he realised that a lot of unexplained pain is caused by powerful emotions. He called this The Symptom Imperative. Ie we have to have some form of pain going on. If we get rid of one another one will pop up.
Dr. Sarno says the modern brain is very clever at creating physical symptoms for us to focus on so that we don’t deal with the real pain of ‘suppressed rage’. This rage is within all of us caused by a lifetime of trying to do our best and be good.
I know this sounds crazy at first but my RLS has gone and if my ankle pain makes an appearance I just welcome it and say perhaps something has just upset me - now what is it? When I’ve figured it out the pain goes.
I’ve watched Dr Gabor Mate on You Tube 2017 explain how addiction begins with painful childhood experiences. Not feeling loved, at ease, being able to fit in or vital.
There is lots of stuff on the internet about how the mind affects the body and how we can heal ourselves.
I am also on an ap called Curable. You can try it out for free for A couple of hours.
I’m feeling a lot calmer because I have meditated four 10 mins per day and I have stopped watching the news.
If you read the book there are FB forums you can join but the discussion starts with an understanding of Dr Sarno’s work.
Hope this help. Please get back to me for more info if you wish.
Apologies to the regulars.
I thought I was replying directly to a private message I thought I’d received from the above lady.
no apology necessary , I am glad your private message was public so I could read it . If you are speaking of Donna Eden , I have been to her workshops , did not realize I could use energy medicine for RLS .

It might be worth watching some videos by Dr Gupta who works in Harley Street UK. He runs an online course which I believe uses tapping amongst other methods. It seems to me that must of the treatments I’ve learnt about recently all come back to the same thing - dealing with painful emotions, retraining your brain and calming down ones neural pathways. I am in a forum where the word ‘pain’ is not allowed to be used as it triggers people’s symptoms off. Another forum’s discussion is around ‘pacing’, ‘dnrs’ and somatic healing. I think this one is about breaking patterns of thinking. Some people on there are bedbound. Some believed they were allergic to everything and collapsed at the sight or mention of their ‘trigger’. Some of them have got better some are still discussing their fears. I keep coming across ‘neuroplasticity’ ehich I believe is about the brains ability to seek out new neural pathways and discard the old ones which carried pain signals. It’s all fascinating stuff. But it all seems to be about how emotional pain leads to physical symptoms as a distraction from what’s really important which is being kind to ourselves and healing past traumas.
I have been working with an Energy teacher on RLS and take classes in tapping. Donna Eden cured herself from a few major illness through Energy work.
I remember Dr. Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain" many years ago. Fascinating stuff - many readers got pain relief from just reading the book. Just found this trailer for a documentary about Dr. Sarno (who died last year the day before his 94th birthday). youtube.com/watch?time_cont...