Have suddenly developed hay fever and my nose is streaming every time I go outside. Have bought an allergy spray to control my eyes watering but seem to remember antihistamines are a no no! What can anyone suggest? I live in the UK. Hope someone can help!!
What to take for Hay fever as antihis... - Restless Legs Syn...
What to take for Hay fever as antihistamines aren’t recommended?

There's a good conversation about safe antihistamines on HU.
Search "antihistamine and Bejwo" by clicking the 'more' button top right and tap the search in drop-down.
There are safe antihistamines,but they can vary between individuals, according to that chat.
Good luck.
Also, a good trick is to put Vaseline around your nasal orifice,-- it can stop pollen getting into the breathing passage.

Here is the link to which Madlegs1 is referring: healthunlocked.com/rlsuk/po...
Alegra is supposed to be ok. I use the nasal spray nasacort. Good luck!
I use Beconase nose spray and its ok for my RLS. It isnt a antihistamine.

Thanks for the information. I am doing quite well with Boots Allergy Mist Spray, like that I can just close my eyes and spray my eyelids!! As long as I haven’t put my make up on!!
Allegra and Clarytin /Claritin NON drowsy are ok for vast majority x
I drink nettle tea for hay fever (and even pet allergies!) and really recommend it.
It is a natural antihistamine so you don't get any side effects with it. I buy it in a local supermarket or health food store, just nettle tea on its own, not mixed with something else. Admittedly it tastes a bit like grass, not that I've ever tasted grass but it's how I reckon it tastes! I'll have a cup first thing in the morning when I get up, one during the day, then one again in the evening. and my hay fever is totally sorted.
Butterbur, quercetin, nettle, eyebright, ginkgo.......
Thank you Diana. I read the draxe .com website about nettles and found it very informative. So far I am coping with a nasal spray and an anti allergy eye spray but if things get worse I will consider the nettle tea. Legs are behaving themselves !!