I'm quite new to this site, my
Last post was about the gambling problem I have with taking Ropinirole. I'm now desperate to come off Ropinirole and have been trying to reduce my dosage. I have reduced it from 2mg to 0.75 but at a price. I'm going through augmentation and since trying to reduce the dosage my legs and arms have got a lot worse. I've barely slept all week and am writing this at 3 am in the morning having had 2 hours sleep. At the moment I'm only taking Cocodemol to help with the pain. That is because my doctor doesn't want to prescribe anything else as I have an appointment next week at the National Hospital for Neurology in London. I'm seeing someone from the Adult Movement Disorder Department, how much they know about RLS I don't know but I will keep you posted on how I get on.
My husband thinks I'm mad for trying to reduce my tablets now, he thinks I should wait until i have been prescribed something that is going to help me through the horrible journey of getting off them. So what I want to know from the many very knowledgeable people on this wonderful site is what is the best medication they have found after coming off a dopamine agonist. Also do you think it's better to reduce the dosage slowly like I'm doing which is going to take longer or wait until I get prescribed a replacement tablet and stop them all at once. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.