I suffer from sea sickness and was recommended to take domperidone by the RLS help group to help with this as I'm going on a cruise. My GP has refused to prescribe it. Any suggestions as anti histamines make my legs 100% worse??
What to take for sea sickness and RLS - Restless Legs Syn...
What to take for sea sickness and RLS

There are antihistamines that some rls people tolerate- cetrazine , I think is one- but you could google that.
Otherwise , my better half, uses those wrist bands and eats loads of crystallised ginger (ninja ginger from HnB).
Do hope things go well for you.
My pharmacist daughter tells me that Domperidone should be available without prescription in UK. But she has been out of the scene for 5 yrs and things may have changed.
Brand name is Stugeron. Exceptionally good. I have been using it for 30 years.
Hi, thanks for this, however I have been told that it could make my RLS worse. What have you found?
I have been ok. But then each person is different. Talk to the pharmacist at your pharmacy. Will give you good advice.
Hi Carspaw, I find ginger very good - in any form - I carry crystallised ginger with me.
Hi , I also suffer from sea sickness and a friend suggested motion sickness patches . I went on to amazon and read the reviews which are 5 * so I have got them for my cruise in April hopeful they will help me . My daughter who is coming off morphine for her pain as she didn't think it was helping her had bad withdrawal symptoms feeling sick ect , so I gave her the patches to try and it helped her and stopped her sickness . So maybe it's something you might like to try .
No positive suggestions I'm afraid. All I can say is that Diphenhydramine (which I took to help sleep rather than for sea sickness) made my legs go 1000% more crazy! That was before I'd been told anti-histamines were not a good idea if you have RLS. Good luck finding something.
As other say not got sickness issues just RLS and general medical problems but it's lack of sleep that makes all things worse it swings roundabouts I think nothing last long good luck love hope you have good holiday either way
A second vote for ginger. The crystalised ginger that lois mentions is great and also ginger tea. I understand that there is some scientific basis for it but am too lazy to do the research. I also find some relief with travel sickness bands.