Can RLS cause cramp: Hi I've been... - Restless Legs Syn...

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Can RLS cause cramp

Jaffalove profile image
20 Replies

Hi I've been suffering with severe body cramps for the past 5 years, and none of the doctor's I've seen seen to know why. I have had just about every blood and had dat scan, Mri and a whole host of other test and nothing shows up. But their has to be a reason for it, I have had cramp in just about every muscle in my body, and it's so severe that even the high coktail of drugs I'm on doesn't stop them. But yesterday I had a visit with a muscle specialist and he said I have a form of RLS could this be right? Any advice or help you can give would be appreciated as I fed up of not having knowing what is causing this and not having a life, I can't work or drive anymore, and I Don't really leave the house because I can't walk far because it causes cramp in my legs. Please help.

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Jaffalove profile image
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20 Replies
Joolsg profile image

Hi Jaffalove,

It doesn’t sound like RLS. Do you get the irresistible urge to move? Does movement stop the sensations?

What drugs are you on? Maybe something you are taking is causing the cramps. Diet could also be a factor.

My daughter had cramps and tingling in her arms and it was caused by anaemia. Low iron is a cause of RLS. What was your serum ferritin result? It should be over 100 for people with RLS but for others a figure over 15 is regarded as normal. Maybe take gentle iron ( ferrous bisglycinate) every other night for a month to see if there’s an improvement. Magnesium also helps RLS and it might help with your cramps.

Cramps are not normally related to RLS but I did get them when I was on a dopamine agonist.


Jaffalove profile image
Jaffalove in reply to Joolsg

Hi Joolsg, thanks for your reply, no I don't get the urge to move, I have to move to relive the cramp. I'm on a cocktail of Diazepam, Baclofen and Tizanidine, but I wasn't on any medication when I started with this problem, I'm on them to try and help relive the cramps. I don't know if I've had that serum ferritin test, is it a blood test, if it is all I know is I get bloods taken and get told they have come back ok, never told exactly what the test are. I don't believe I have RLS this is why I thought I would just check if anyone else had come across any mention of cramps been related to it.

Joolsg profile image
Joolsg in reply to Jaffalove

I agree Jaffa. Check the actual numbers on the blood test because they will tell you it’s all normal BUT in your case, I would want full details.

I would definitely try the ferrous bisglycinate for a month or two to see if it helps. Also, ask for a referral to a neurologist who may be able to shed some light on the issue.


Jaffalove profile image
Jaffalove in reply to Joolsg

Thanks for the advice joolsg, I'm already seeing a neurologist, have been for the past 4 years now, and he has no idea what's wrong with me, thats why he sent me to the muscle skeletol specialist and it was him that said it's a form of severe RLS. I think he hasn't got a clue what it is either so just said that to try and pacify me

Plus one to what Jules says. It doesn’t sound like rls.

Plus 2 on what has been said by Jools. Muscle cramps have nothing to do with having RLS.

nightdancer profile image

plus 3 :) RLS is neurological, not muscular. Are you getting enough potassium, and liquids in general? Bananas, magnesium is for muscles are good to help also.

2everett profile image


May I suggest you watch a You Tube video called Chronic Pain is an Epidemic of Fear. Then watch another video called The Divided Mind. I had a RLS for 20 years and severe ankle pain. Both have gone. Last week I walked 4/5 miles per day without ankle supports or sole inserts. I have learnt how the mind uses physical pain to stifle emotional pain.

Please message me if you want more information.

Hope this helps.

LP557 profile image
LP557 in reply to 2everett

Please send me a link in order for me to find these videos on youtube.

Many Thanks

2everett profile image
2everett in reply to LP557


Please look for Dr John Sarno

The Divided Mind.

The other one I mentioned comes up straight away.

Also please google the following and watch the video. It looks a like it was filmed in the 80s but please watch until the end.

I have lots more information if you want it.

Nightingale-5 profile image
Nightingale-5 in reply to 2everett

I have had a Eureka moment reading your post. I have had RLS for many years with nothing helping, just giving me extra symptoms. The ankle pain screamed out at me as I've had ankle pain for at least five years making walking any distance impossible. I had an ankle fusion last October but there is a problem although until I've had a scan I don't know if the fusion has not taken, if the metalwork is causing the problem, or the emotional pain I've had for over 30 years, being estranged from my family, is actually the cause of the physical pain. Over these years I must have had 20 surgeries for different things and the thought that the physical pain is a displacement mechanism for the terrible emotional pain I dare not allow to surface makes complete sense. Thank you for your post, you might just have changed life for me.

2everett profile image
2everett in reply to Nightingale-5


Thanks this is very special for me to read. Please listen to Emotions Matter Podcast Episode 26 Steve Ozanich on You Tube.

Then take a look at the TMS Healing Wall of Victory.


If this doesn’t sound too weird begin writing about your past experiences. Let it all out - as you write I suspect you will weep and the writing will keep coming and you will feel both relief and a bit depressed as it comes to light again. Keep doing it and gradually your pain will ease.

I’d love to hear from you again. I have lots more info to share.

I was thinking my ankle pain and RLS started about the same time. I think of it as my daytime TMS and my night time TMS - so no let up. It seems that if you ‘cure’ one ailment it is simply replaced by another as the mind uses physical pain to distract the brain from emotional pain.

Nightingale-5 profile image
Nightingale-5 in reply to 2everett

Thanks for replying, I have worked out that apart from a minor gynae op I had no surgery until went through a traumatic year in which my Mum died literally overnight, my husband coerced my GP into admitting me to a pyschiatric unit following the shock of losing my Mum that way and the year ended with him divorcing me for unreasonable behaviour and moving another woman in to take over my home and family, leaving me alone in a bedsit. That's 30 years ago and since then I have had a hysterectomy, gall bladder removal, spinal surgery several times, three lots of foot surgery, brain lesions discovered, and more that I can't remember. To most people I walked out on my children, they don't know the full story and I am ashamed to say that subsequently I drank to excess, which is cited as the reason I had to go, although untrue it's widely believed by the family. I haven't had a drink for 15 years but that didn't get me my family back. To be completely honest I have no idea why I am still here.

2everett profile image
2everett in reply to Nightingale-5


Having suffered all of that you must feel very angry. It’s amazing that you are still battling through life. I wish I could change those things and I hope one day you will feel you had a lucky escape from your husband. I bet you’re feeling emotional right now having written this for all to read but if we start writing about our emotional pain we have offloaded a small piece of what is making us ill. I will pm you about a FB page where you can be supported through this.

in reply to 2everett

Hi everett. I sent you a PM. This is wonderful info. Thanks.

thoughtful12 profile image

Let me add to the posts above by recommending magnesium - it has helped me with cramps. Try 800mg/day of magnesium citrate. Good luck!

beady3 profile image

I can’t imagine what it’s like for you but I do feel for you, after 47yrs of rls I have just started to get terrible leg cramp god knows why as I havnt changed anything, I have spoken to someone and they have given me excersises , the cramps make it that I have to have a walking stick and when it’s so bad I just can’t walk, I do hope you will get some good luck soon xx

Jaffalove profile image
Jaffalove in reply to beady3

Thank you beady3, it is the most debilitating thing, I get them in every muscle from my neck to my toes and some days I feel like I've been in a car crash or something because my muscles are so tender. But when you say to people I suffer with cramps they look at you like you've grown another head.

DicCarlson profile image

My (severe) RLS was preceded by muscle cramps (the severe, ready to call ambulance kind). RLS developed (I had no idea what it even was). Docs gave me muscle relaxants (useless). I don't know how the cramps became associated with the RLS. I still battle them now from time to time. RLS symptoms went away with iron supplementation (ferrous bis-glycinate chelate). Now for muscle cramps - 3 great solutions: 1/4 tsp sea salt, plus 1/4 tsp cream of tartar (for potassium) in some juice. Or, purchase electrolytes from Hammer nutrition (I like the fizzy tablets). Lastly - this is high tech science - but pricy - Hot Shot.

Eryl profile image

Sports people get cramps because they're asking their muscles to do more than they're used to os because of lack of hydration. Maybe it's the same with you. If you normally have cramps after a certain distance. try half of that but do it regularly, say every other day (the day in between is to allow the body to recover), and do some stretching exercises half way. if you can manage that with no problems increase the distance by 25% after a fortnight and another 25% after the next fortnight until you have reached your target distance. If you find that too much. Rest for a couple of weeks and try again with shorter distances and longer periods between increases.

Have you investigated diet? Some people do not digest gluten well and it can cause low absorption of minerals and nutrients from your food. I've found that I sleep better since reducing my gluten intake. Try cutting out sugar and sweetened foods as that can inflammation of nerve endings, making them more sensitive, and pain can cause muscle spasms.

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