Hi folks! Just a query about whether any of you have experienced RLS from antibiotics. I currently have an intractable UTI that I've had since about the 20th of January. I'm on my third lot of antibiotics and I've been given Co-Amoxiclav, a combination antibiotic. On the second day of use I had very bad RLS, real old-school attack: tossing & turning, twitching, feeling frantic and wired, with burning-hot lower legs (my lower legs and feet not only get super-hot in bed they actually turn bright red) which lasted for hours and was finally only quelled by taking diazepam. And I've had the same trouble every night since, with 4 more days to go!
Entirely coincidentally, I got a reply tonight from another old post asking about Sucralose, and rereading it I discovered I'd been on antibiotics then too. Surely NOT a coincidence!
Again, forced into wild wakefulness last night, I got up and got the antibiotic leaflet and read the side effects to see if they mentioned it. Nothing on RLS, but I did see in the 'very rare side effects' that it can cause "hyperactivity". It also causes convulsions rarely, so I'm thinking there's definitely neurological effects. I'm assuming that because I have the RLS 'gene', as it were, that the "hyperactivity" is what's triggered my RLS.
Anyone else have the suspicion, or direct experience, that antibiotics can trigger RLS? Not sure what I can do about it anyway, since you need to take them sometimes, but I'd just like to know. I'm thinking that perhaps I could request diazepam when I have to take them again. Although doctors terror of handing out diazepam is off the scale (I have some unused tablets from dental treatment which I'm using).
I'm also curious - diazepam is, I believe, a muscle relaxant. I've never taken medication for RLS, but I'm pretty sure I've read muscle relaxants are one of the options. It looks like they might work for me, so perhaps there is a relaxant I could ask for that wouldn't freak doctors out as much as the 'drug-seeking' reputation of asking for diazepam.
Any info on antibiotics or muscle relaxant treatment very gratefully received. Thanks!
P.S. I know no-one here thinks this is a minor problem! But when you have a UTI and are in pain and being woken to by a twitchy bladder every ten minutes you do NOT need RLS too. I'm chronically sleep-deprived right now so something that could help while taking antibiotics would be exceptionally useful.