I have had RKS and PMLD for a long time now. Sorry I haven’t been on the site for a long time but recently have had a change in experience with my both and thought it might be of use to others. I saw my neurologist in January and she decided to have me checked for sleep apnoea. I was diagnosed with mild apnoea stopping breathing about 10 times each hour. For the last two months I have been trying a CPAP mask. The mask has revolutionised my life in general, better sleep etc but also had a significant impact on my RLS and PMLD in that it has drastically reduced. I believe that the constant disruption to my sleep previously kicked of the RKS/PMLD. Has anyone else experienced similar.
Impact of sleep apnoea on RLS - Restless Legs Syn...
Impact of sleep apnoea on RLS

Really pleased that the CPAP mask is helping so much. I think that there are a few people on here who have had similar positive results.
I'm scheduled for a sleep consultation soon... Not sure about the CPAP mask though... They look so huge

Don’t worry it’s fine, try different masks if one doesn’t work. It’s made a vast improvement on my RLS actually getting some sleep - I feel like a new woman. Best of luck.
Thanks - I've heard that from several people, so I guess I should believe it, huh? Thanks and have a great day!
I used a CPAP for a few years. Don’t worry; they will help you find a mask that is best for you. Yes, they do take getting used to, but you’ll get there. Once you get your mask, I can help direct you to a CPAP side-sleeper pillow that will help keep the hose out of your way while sleeping. Let me know!
Thanks so much Jess

Thanks for the reply - I have found the best position for me is sitting up! I seem to keep the mask on the longest then. I was told by the Consultant to keep it on all night but always seem to take it off in the middle of the night - I wonder if he’s ever worn one!
There are very many types of masks. You sleep consultant should have told you so, and they should help you try and find the best mask for you. So talk to them ( or your presscribing doctor or the cpap company). There are also devices that only cover your nostrils. No need sleeping in a sitting position. Although they used to do that on the 17th century, I suspect it will not add to getting a restful sleep.
Interesting question... =)
I also have sleep apnea and wear a cpap every night. I did actually email Dr B about this as I had a bit of improvement in my RLS after starting with mask. He replied that being over tired is a big trigger for RLS and as the cpap improves sleep quality it may help with RLS. Also cpap helps you to sleep deeper so you are less likely to be woken up by PLMD x
Did you have to arrange your own mask? I live in Ireland where we pay for all our medications. I was wondering about a mask. My sleep consultant diagnosed sleep apnea when I did a sleep test but she didn't take it any further. I have wondered since about buying a mask myself. I see there are websites where you can buy them but they are so expensive ...