My husband was diagnosed with sleep apnoea last year. (Bear with me, this relevant to rls) It is taken very seriously by doctors and the general medical profession as it causes tiredness. He has to comply with everything his consultant says, or he loses his driving license. he wears a mask at night, and his sleep patterns are automatically sent to the hospital digitally. His consultant speaks to him every 6 months to discuss his compliance.
He recently had to renew his driving license, and the dvla had been informed of his condition by the consultant, apparently it is the law that they have to do this. Hubby had to fill in a form - several pages long and send to the dvla. They then get in touch with his GP and his consultant to see if he is safe to drive. We are still awaiting to see if he will retain his license.
The point I make is if they take sleep apnoea so seriously re driving, why not rls!!
If they took the lack of sleep we suffer more seriously we would get much better treatment, and not be fobbed off.
I no longer drive, I know I'm not safe because of lack of sleep, I can afford to do this, I am retired, but there must be thousands of rls sufferers still driving because they can't afford to take time off work.