I have RLS since 15 yrs and the past 2 yrs got worse. Last year I had a whole month without much sleep so that’s when I seeked help. Was only diagnosed then.
I also get restlesness in my back and arms and have periodic limb movements occasionaly. Since we are planning a family I refused taking meds. I also don’t believe in taking meds for life.
I was prescribed Iron as my levels were borderline and doc wanted to raise over 75 - I usualy have anemia. And the last months have been taking Magnesium buffered with L-taurine prescribed by my nutritionist. There has been slight inprovement in the nr of days/week that I get it- so it’s not as frequent. However i’ve changed my diet since 5 months and my sleeping habits, have a complete blackout room now which improved my sleep in general.
What I do is excercises before bed or if I wake up and have restlesness.
My excercises include (depending where I have restlessness) :
1) standing while holding with one hand something and doing quick repeating toe pushes for lower legs (50),
2) holding squat position for 10 slow breaths for the upper legs,
3) or knee push ups/ holding the position for my back/arms.
It’s the mini shaking muscle movements that help me. Sometimes I use muscle roller foam to massage my muscles.
I also change my position in bed if I still don’t manage to sleep or put my feet up the wall for 10-20 mins until they feel numb.
Using meditation apps like Buddhify helps to calm my mind down.
I realised that somehow when I change my environment (e.g. go on holiday) I have almost no RLS. Still trying to figure out if that is from reduced stress, not staring at TV or PC screens so much during holidays or change in diet. Does anybody experience the same?
Another thing I have is constant pain in my body and digestive issues - but thats probably another story...