I am a new to the forum. I am 69 years old and have RA since the age of 27. About 10 yrs ago I was experiencing RLS so bad I would sit up during the night with a heating pad or hot compresses around my legs and of course take Aleve. I would lay in bed rubbing my legs together trying to get relief. I eventually went to see a friend who is a homeopathic doctor that specializes in the muscle testing technique of diagnosing. After the testing, I got the recommended supplement from her. After 3 month it was gone. The past 2 yrs, I've had a similar sensation all over my body that seems to be connected to weather change. Hope this helps. I have found the post here informative and helpful. Thank you
Something That Gave True Relief - Restless Legs Syn...
Something That Gave True Relief

Well.....are you going to share with us what that supplement is?
I'm not sure if I'm following you fully.
Are you saying that you got relief from the supplement for a while but that the rls has returned the past two years?
I got total relief for my legs. My legs don't bother me anymore. What I experience now all over my body is different in feel and only occurs with weather change as does the RA. Hope that answers your question.
Would like to know the supplement you took for general information. IT is almost totally unheard of for RLS to go away for that long of a time, and you say you took this supplement for only 3 months?
I'd be keen to know what this is, although I'm not convinced on homoeopathic remedies.


me neither, would just like to know the name of the 'magic supplement" This does not pass the smell test.