I have had rls for over 20 years. As I am aging it has gotten worse. Way back on was on darvon, then sinemet, then miraplex, then requip, now gabapentin and tramadol. I had hallucinations with miraplex and requip. It does seem like trial and error.
Changing meds: I have had rls for over... - Restless Legs Syn...
Changing meds

Hi Frogger52
Yes, you are right, it actually is trial and error. As you have experienced there are a lot of meds out there, some good, some bad, some almost dangerous and a lot of people find relief from their RLS... but not a cure. Other people try everything going but nothing seems to help. We are all different as has been posted many times.
Over the years you have probably tried the magnesium or iron supplements. These do actually lessen the RLS symptoms for some, without heavy drugs.
That brings us to diet and exercise. I am sure that many of mankinds' illnesses are food based or triggered by food. I know that sugar, gluten, alcohol and more are triggers for my RLS. I am going to experiment soon for a better diet. I am already getting plenty of exercise with my diy projects.
Have you tried any of these "remedies". After the heavy duty stuff it would be great to find relief from a simple method.
Happy Days
Yes, I have tried them. Exercise is. A problem because I. Have POTS and upon standing I pass out. I do have a pacemaker which helped with the passing out, but I am very unsteady on my feet. I fall quite often. Hopefully I’ll get some suggestions from Mayo as my Dr. thinks it’s neurological. I crochet and read for pleasure.
I looked up darvon. That was a drug and a half, wasn't it. Did you suffer with it back then?