Neurology Appointment Today - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Neurology Appointment Today

Hoffie profile image
7 Replies

A couple of months back I wrote a post telling this community that my GP cut off my oxycodne cold turkey. The appointment was to obtain surgical clearance for cataract surgery. The first night off the oxy I only slept 35 minutes (I wear a fitbit tracker) and for 24 days I never slept more than a hour or two even thought I was given a few different benzo sleep meds. I think the GP was punishing me due to a disagreement we had over another health issue. This withdrawal caused many health issues such as multiple UTI's, respiratory infections and bursitis of my hip (probably due to constant movement of my legs)

Anyway, I finally was able to see my neurologist today and he immediately wrote me a script for 5mg oxy and .5 klonopin to be taken 2x a day, the last just before bedtime. I am hopeful that these meds will finally allow me to get some decent sleep and improvement in my general health and wellbeing.

I was able to find a new GP and they gave me an immediate appointment with the physicians assistant to get me started and I will be seeing the GP himself in two weeks. Feeling hopeful!!! I will update you as to how this combination of meds work for me. Hope this information will be helpful to other members.

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Hoffie profile image
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7 Replies

Yikes! So sorry! It might seem very hard to understand this in your sleepless condition (it would be for me anyway), but would it be possible to see it as your doctor not deliberately trying to punish you? I mean, that would be downright mean if he did it deliberately and I just can't believe any doctor being that mean. (BTW, I'm working with my therapist on getting rid of "thinking the worst" and "expanding my mind", so that's where this is coming from).

With that said, though, I'm glad you have obtained a new GP and now see "light at the end of your tunnel" (takes awhile, though, huh? I'm just now seeing light at the end of my own tunnel. Yipee!)

Looking forward to updates.

Take care,

Docholiday1 profile image
Docholiday1 in reply to

I think at the least you should report the Vet( sorry) Doctor. If not sue him for neglect. Isnt the oath "To do no harm". He certainly put you through the ringer.

rkatt profile image

Please please take some form of action against the first GP! A formal complaint at least. Or out him on social media. It’s malpractice x 10. Or a lawyer’s letter to freak him, even if you don’t follow up.

FLAME43 profile image

That is so cruel to you, they should be named and shamed, when they are ambivalent to the suffering of RLS patients

thefreakyfairy profile image

You need to voice your concerns and your unhappiness to a higher person. Surgery manager at least, this is the only way to get things improved.

Over the 30yes (from early teens to now 42) I've seen multiple drs and a majority have left me in tears. I have crohns yet one GP refused to give me my life saving meds as he didn't believe in the diagnoses. Luckily I was noticed leaving the surgery in tears and the surgery coordinator chased me to find out what was wrong and then fill in a complaints form. Said GP left the practice within a few weeks.

The internet opened my eyes to what our rights are, if I had known earlier that there were people I could complain to when drs forgot how to doctor then maybe I wouldn't be so wary of seeing my GP these days. ***broke my foot, was told there was no sign of break and to weight bare, this was backed up 8 weeks later when I saw no improvement and went I my GP who told me to do things normally and gave me paracetamol only to be asked by a podiatrist 7 years later, who I was seeing because I still couldn't (and can't) weight bare on foot, after a manual exam when I had broken 2 of metasarsals.

Or the specialist who told me I was play acting and I was to stop wasting everyone's time when my back pain became intolerable and I was unable to move. He didn't take into account the immensely swollen colon due to a crohns flare! That was followed my another GP prescribing Naproxen for the 'pain' with a promise it wasn't an Nsaid! In 2010 they removed my colon. The naproxen had almost killed me and my crohns became unmanageable, my surgeons first words to me after the op were to ask me in amazement how id managed to walk into the hospital? The colon had been so swollen for so long it had virtually embedded itself into my spine and has left irreversible and painful damage.

None of the above, and more, were documented or witnessed and I believed a complaint would get no where! I've since found out different. I would now complain to anyone who would listen and get those Drs re-educated or at least more inform on patient care, but then I also never go to the Drs now without support. That way I have proof!

We trust these drs with our lives, and yes they are over worked and under appreciated but Drs (and all health carers) in the NHS knew what they were taking on! As an ex nurse of 10 years ( my way of trying to change the way patients were cared for) I know the stress and strains but if 1 patient was rude and testy I left that with them..... Never make another patient suffer for the stress of a previous one! Never show agitation and give each person 100% ever time ! This includes Drs x

Hoffie profile image
Hoffie in reply to thefreakyfairy

Dear thefreakyfairy, I am so sorry you have have been exposed to so much "bad medicine". I can also attest to having broken bones mis-diagnosed and the like. We have to educate ourselves and be our own advocate. Otherwise we will be stepped upon and never treated properly. I am not sure where you are located, but here in the USA our healthcare was very good until Obamacare was passed. Now it is almost impossible to get doctor appointments in a reasonable time frame. Thank goodness for urgent care centers which are becoming more and more prevalent due to the situation. I do plan on filing a complaint with the proper medical officials. Hopefully this will prevent others from having to go through such inhumane treatment. I wish you good health and happiness.

Freakyfairy profile image
Freakyfairy in reply to Hoffie

I'm in the UK! As such I love and respect our NHS system, when things go well! We have timelines in place to see that referrals etc are 'seen' to with in respectable time frames but we are so over worked that this is satisfied if an appointment has been booked! Which could be anything from a few weeks to a few months and even then if the specialists you wish to see feel your case isn't urgent then cancellations and postponements are common place! My biggest issue is I've grown up being Sick, 13 years old I was dx with Crohns disease. With no internet and not a lot of general knowledge I learnt to deal with things! After a few years of every problem I took to a GP being put down to The Crohns or The medication I kinda took over my own care, not always for the better and apart from my regular appointments with my GI team I had to be virtually out for the count before being dragged to a GP or A&E, only for them to not really know what to do with me!

I had a few nasty hospital admissions where I was too complicated for paediatric ward and at the ages of 15, 16 and 17 I was placed in the only place available that knew my issues. Adult gastroenterology where my ward companions, for the most, were dying of GI cancers etc! The nurses thought my mere case of belly issues weren't worth their time! I did meet a few nice nurses who helped me, mostly by just caring strangely. So after a few attempts at college and further ed I put my stubborn mind to work and (hopefully) became the nurse I would have wanted caring for me. Specialising in GI surgical (came in handy when they took my intestines lol) and HDU care, before eventually acknowledging after 10 year that my gi team may have had a point. I had to leave!

My breaking of bones, neurological unknown issues and everything else I now live with would have been beyond my knowledge 20 years ago when nursing, but science has rapidly progressed since and its all a minefield of too much knowledge (sometimes with not a lot of sense!) vs trusting a Dr who has dedicated a life to knowing the ins and outs of specialised fields and GPs get the brunt of it! 10 minute appointment restrictions and only a basic knowledge of virtually everything. Too many people think that they should work miracles and can't think much past their own issues! Understandably. Whilst becoming a nurse helped me to help others and myself I now have a too compassionate view on what our professionals go through and a respectable fear of over burdening!

I lost feeling in my right hand fingers 4 months ago, but, under duress, I've only just booked an appointment to let my GP know! Its at the end of November, but I don't mind waiting to see him! He's one of the few GP who understands and will follow my lead on health issues I know more about than him! Even if I do see the frustration in his eyes when my neurological issues aren't being found! xx

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