Recognition of this horrible condition finally published in the main UK press!
Without doubt a Dr Spinks mentioned in the double page spread article will recive many requests for help! From a personal perspective I can vouch for the understanding of RLS by the neurology department & sleep clinic of Guys & St Thomas's hospital also mentioned in the article. Via Health Unlocked a member mentioned this sleep clinic to me and I found for the first time a NHS doctor who was not only knowledgable but supportive.
But (there is always a but) it took a lot of persuasion for my GP to write a referral letter which was accepted much against the negative thinking of my GP who of course knew nothing of the condition.
For those who appreciate augmentation I was able to wean of Ropinirole and I am now taking 100mg of Tramadol each night allowing me 6 to 8 hours sleep most nights.