GOOD DEED FOR THE DAY ... NOT - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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23 Replies

Hi everyone, had a huge day today. Attended my art group and all was nice and quiet and peaceful and then I noticed a woman leave her art, go sit down and she just stared into blank space.

Don't know if it was out of concern or curiosity but I sat down beside her and offered to get her a coffee. On returning, she looked up at me with tired red eyes and she began to weep saying, 'I haven't slept for 2 nights and I'm so damn tired that I can't even stand long enough to paint'.

Not wanting to pry and realising that she was in a fragile state, I just said, 'OK, I'll just sit here, if you like, and I'll just listen and you can talk'.

Her reply was, 'I doubt very much that you would understand. Nobody seems to and nobody seems to care. Even my doctor's not overly concerned'.

I obviously had to request more information .... was it personal, physical, emotional, financial. And then I finally had to ask the hard and more invasive question. 'Are you in any danger, physical or any other type'?

'I think I might be', she said. 'From myself, because I seriously doubt that I can continue on like this'.


This poor woman has been battling the symptoms of RLS for over 18 months, and nobody, absofuckinlutely nobody, anywhere, has any idea what she's talking about. Christ, it's not rocket science. Even her husband, and even more frighteningly, the three (yes three) doctors that she has presented to, everyone seems to be clueless. And this is not coming from a child or an adolescent, and she is not experiencing growing pains, she is not an attention seeker, and she doesn't drink and she doesn't do drugs.

Ok, so I do admit that (at this current point in time) I'm actually living in an extremely small country town in South West Queensland, (which I am afraid that I am quite seriously beginning to understand unequivocally what the word 'backwards' is all about) and even if it wasn't for the fact that the doctors here actually have a current patient suffering with the severity of chronic RLS .... where is their intelligence, what's happened to their education? I can't seriously be the only patient that they've EVER come across with RLS, surely? I am thoroughly shocked, ashamed, disgusted and ..... wheredoes one stop? Exasperated, frustrated .... angry and totally pissed off.

So I followed her home, sat her in front of her computer, armed her with enough websites, went home (and please don't pan me too much) but returned with a couple of Temaze.

She will definitely sleep tonight. Will pop in tomorrow and begin a plan to get her a specialist in Toowoomba (closest city).

Will keep you posted.

23 Replies
MplsHope profile image

You are an angle on a mission! God speed ❤️

in reply to MplsHope

Appreciated .... but I doubt whether there would be one person on this site who wouldn't want to help.

Retren profile image

Phogan As you describe living in a small town it sounds as though the medical community are in a time warp equivalent to what the reaction would have been 40 or so years ago I got the same response when I asked questions had it not been for my spouse I would have been floundering .They should be keeping up.My spouse never went on a vacation and had a conversation with me he would keep up with a Urrent Events a publishing of all the papers presented by Physicians appertaining to recent developements.I would think a few articles of recent vintage wouldn't, go amiss to be posted to the local doctors hoping they would bother to read them It is all very discouraging to say the least.Congratulations on your endeavors you know what is said everything is returned and you have been a Good Samaritan.

I fully understand why you gave her the tablets although they could end up casing more harm than good, the road to hell and all that. Without knowing her history it can be dodgy giving pills, (although benzos are not necessarily the worst to give), there could be addiction problems, the loosening of inhibitions can cause problems especially if she is in a place where she is considering suicide - although it could also prevent it as she can have hope now.

Great job sitting with her and pointing her in the direction of the sites, (hope HU was top of the list :) ). Hope you get her sorted.

Take care.

Wow Phogan! That's awesome! Great work, and please tell this woman that we can empathize with her pain and suffering. RLS is torture!!! Please encourage her to join us if she'd like so she can get the love and support she deserves!

Just a thought: since she's a little more than 18 months (right?) into her diagnosis she might be in denial. I am 2 years into my diagnosis and still in denial! My medical team is working with me on accepting where I am right now with very poor sleep quality, legs that go nuts, etc. (When an RLS sufferer (namely me) says "but I just want things to be like they were before all this happened!" you know they're in denial)

in reply to

I was the exact opposite. As far as I was concerned, when I was diagnose, I had two options. 1) I am going mad, or 2 ) I have RLS. No brainer.

Same as my first AA meeting. The first timers are advised not to listen to the differences, to only concentrate on the similarities. I was obviously the norm ... only heard the differences. Eg hadn't lost my license, no car accident, no family bust-up, (they're called 'my yets'.

Then this huge man got up with a 30 yr history of alcoholism, and said those magic words I'll never forget ... 'The fear of insanity'. THE similaritie.

2 choices. 1) I was either going insane, or 2) I was an alcoholic. Again no brainer. Have not had a drink for 30+ years.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

Well, that is not your life now, Jess. We have to accept the illnesses we have and not give into the depression or denial that comes with it. I was in denial with cancer at the age of 29, but it does not make it go away. The more you accept that you have something, the easier it is to deal with mentally.

in reply to nightdancer

So true! Thanks, nightdancer! 😃

Madlegs1 profile image

Great work P!

I always go back to the point of impact ie- 18 months ago , something changed in her life- might be worth following that up - blood iron would be a start or change in medication regime.

You're doing a great job. Power to you.

Am actually with her ATM we have appt with (dare I it) my doctor) Who prescribes my meds. We're asking for referral to sleep specialist plus sleep med. His choice not mine.

I told her about this site thought it best she does some time research before as when I first joined my head spun. We speak a language I found mind blogging. She will definitely come. .. I'll be proud to introduce her. But first step first. Sleep then priority specialist. Thanks appreciate your support

Lash65 profile image
Lash65 in reply to

It's wonderful that you reached out and was able to help her.

Off topic, just curious, what type of art do you do? I'm an artist too.

in reply to Lash65

Abstract it's my passion. What about you?

Lash65 profile image
Lash65 in reply to

I've been doing digital graphic arts lately. I like doing color pencil portraits too. And crochet.

in reply to Lash65

Unfortunately I had to back away from the brush. Siffrol had such a strong hold on my personality that (altho was in th early stages of painting) the 'obsessiveness' had 100% control over me. So didn't paint for 12 months. Since moving here i have once again picked it up but never bring anything home. I leave it at Studio. Not sure if I could fight OCD

FYI .... from first picking up the brush to putting it down, I sold 13 paintings. I absolutely love it.

The only time I am truelly happy. First time that realisation dawned on me was on hearing strange sound, though, 'What WTF is that'?

It was me ..... humming!

Lash65 profile image
Lash65 in reply to

Lol (humming) Art is my escape. I get so absorbed in it that everything else melts away. By doing art on the computer I'm able to do it from my bed. My bed is where I live 90% of the time due to fibro and eds.

It's wonderful you sold your artwork. My latest venture is putting my designs on clothing. I haven't sold a whole lot (mainly due to the pricing which I have no control over). Would you like to see my page?

in reply to Lash65

Yes please I would very much like to see it.

But we should probably continue this via email as it would be more appropriate to keep the conversation about our painting off site.

Do you agree? This is going to be great fun. I would very much appreciate it if I could also share some pics of my paintings with you as well.

Lash65 profile image
Lash65 in reply to

Absolutely! My email (information deleted for your own security by Kaarina (volunteer)).

You can of course PM each other via this forum and pass on email addresses that way.

Lash65 profile image
Lash65 in reply to Lash65

I'm sorry. I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to do that.

Kaarina profile image
KaarinaAdministrator in reply to Lash65

No worries, Lash, I hope you and Phogan get to exchange emails addresses initially via private message on the forum and take it from there. :)

Lash65 profile image
Lash65 in reply to Kaarina

Thanks. :)

Bee27 profile image

Wow! You are amazing. I know exactly how this lady feels, even when she is doing her favourite thing, art, she cannot concentrate. I hope she can find something that will help her, even if just a little bit.

Crazyleggs profile image

You are in New Zealand? Are you by any chance a member of the pastel society ? Just curious I'm really happy you were there to help that poor lady. I've sure been in her shoes for the past week. Ive been dealing with RLS for 50 years but after back surgery 7 years ago it's progressively gotten worse. I am have been trying to get a referral to see specialist at Stanford but my primary just appears to be threatening by this He lies to me and claims he sent it. I'm getting desperate and very tired. I need some sleep Keep doing your good deeds I'm changing primary doctors.

in reply to Crazyleggs

No not a kiwi. I'm an Aussie. How about a joke?

What is the difference between a doctor and God?

God doesn't think he's a doctor!

(Did that bring a smile to your face?)

Not what you're looking for?

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