Somewhere here I saw instructions on a post for making your own magnesium oil, but can't find it again. Anyone help?
Home made magnesium oil: Somewhere here... - Restless Legs Syn...
Home made magnesium oil

50/50 by volume epsom salts and water.
I use bittersaltz from agricultural merchant- but any decent chemist will have small packs.
Water from the tap- but if you have super sensitive skin- then bottle water is cheap.
I keep the mix in screw top jars- it lasts forever.
Good luck.
Thanks for that. Do you spray it, paint it or wipe it on? Rub it in, or leave to be absorbed?
I just rub it on- but people do all the other suggestions you make. No need to rub.
It may sting a little for some people - if you have very sensitive skin. Just wash it off if it's too uncomfortable.
A bath with epsom salts- about two cups - is good. But don't soak longer than 20 mins. Otherwise the goodness flows back out - apparently! !!
I wonder if it was this post?
Not oil but similar?
Good to be reminded. I wanted to soak my feet in Epsom salts last night but it seemed too much...will make up a bottle and then just spray..thanks all...
Hi look for my post AFG. Magnesium chloride flakes purchase in bulk from a lab online. 2 tablespoons dissolved in 100ml warm water, shake and put into a spray bottle. Keep an bottle in your handbag, by the bed etc. Spray liberally and rub in.
Or put 2-3 cups of the flakes into a hot bath and soak in it for 20 mins.
Good luck