I took one vitamin b12 tablet and one folic acid tablet daily. three days later i'm cured. I stop taking them and my restless leg comes back. I've proved this many times and it DOES work. x
cured my restless leg syndrome - Restless Legs Syn...
cured my restless leg syndrome

That's fantastic- sadly it isn't as simple as that for many people.
Long may you experience such good form.
So pleased it works for you. I've been taking B12 and folic acid for over a year and still have RLS. Hopefully it will work for others.
Take care, \Jools
Well, we have to figure out why it works. There was a study done on a large Italian family, all with RLS and folic acid had a positive affect. That study was a while ago. Might try to dig it up. Folic acid has gotten a bad rap among alternative practitioners (not doctors). They believe that it is only the methylated, bioactive form of folic acid known as methylfolate that is worth taking. A large portion of the population (something ridiculous like 40%) can't "methylate" folic acid so it just ends up being a negative in the body. Those practitioners are also picky about B12 and want to see methylcobalman.
There's a prescription (?) supplement called Metanx for peripheral neuropathy which supposedly has had a good amount of success. The ingredients include L-methylfolate (metafolin) 3mg, Methylcobalmin 2mg and Pyridoxal 5-phosphate (which is B6) 35mg. My dad had very bad peripheral neuropathy (no pain but complete numbness) and I feel like I am going down that same road so that's why I know about this supplement.
I only mention it because it has two of the three vitamins you mention and several people on here have peripheral neuropathy in addition to RLS. The research also show that Alpha Lipoic Acid and a fat soluble version of vitamin B1 may be useful for PN as well.
Thanks for sharing. By the way, without sufficient b12, iron metabolism/absorption will be a problem. That may or may not explain some of its effectiveness in relieving your RLS.
Wow, the Metanx has good reviews here on Healthunlocked, including for pernicious anemia.

Hi Tredlight
Thanks for expanding on this post.
I think you are saying that B12 and folic acid are a good idea. When I say it like that I can just go to a pharmacy and buy B12 and Folic acid I would love to try it out but when you explain it I no longer know which version of those two things I need.
So should I look for a supplement that contains methyl folate? Any ideas on max doses? I may as well start as high as allowable and if its successful I will work my way down.
Are you saying that 40% of the population can't make use of folic acid, Can I do a test to see if I am in the 40%?
My diet is still working but it would be quite a relief to find that I could take just two supplements and eat anything.
I am sorry to hear that you have the additional problem of PN. My wife has diabetes which is not under good control so I expect we are heading for this as well. Can you tell if Metanx able to delay the onset of NP if you take it before symptoms are apparent?
Hi Graham, hope you are still doing well. And yes to your first question. It does seem that alternative practitioners want people to take the methylated/bioactive form of folic acid known as methylfolate. Same for b12 - methylcobalmin. I wouldn't do large doses but stick with the doses in Metanx. Metanx has 3mg of the methylfolate and 2mg of the methylcobalmin. I read right on healthunlocked that people will take that dose twice a day but remember they have PN or pernicious anemia whereas you do not. AND, clearly, legbetter is able to use the normal version of b12 and folic acid and get relief so you too might be one of the people who are able to methylate those supplements.
Not sure if Metanx could forestall the onset of PN but my guess is yes. Hope you're only taking the bisglycinate as needed. Unlike b12, methylfolate, and magnesium, I don't consider iron particularly healthy unless you're anemic or need it at night for the RLS. Since you have your RLS pretty much controlled with diet the iron should just be an emergency supplement.
Interestingly, it's sounds like the b12 and folic acid are legbetter's emergency meds. And for Birdman it's copper.

Hi, how do you control RLS with a diet? What's does your diet consist of?? I suffer nightly....

My doc just ordered metanx for me
Legbetter this is good, this is really good. It's kind of a goal of mine to see all of us formulate a "go to" regimen for RLS that will scoop up a lot of people.
I'm looking at a two prong approach, first ferrous bisglycinate for our anemic brains then your two supplements plus the right form of B6 and magnesium (threonate?) for all of those nerves in our central and peripheral nervous system that dopamine needs to travel along to quiet our arms and legs. I have to do more research into the Alpha Lipoic Acid. It's supposed to help with the protective coating around nerves. Not sure if that should be part of the mix or the B1 either?
I like it, how about you?
I'm not a great believer in any vitamins and mineral supplements, they have never worked for me, even tried magnesium oil to rub on legs, no improvement,. Since I stopped coffee at midday and alcohol in the evening, it's been great. Only 2 weeks so far, long may it last! Nice to sleeeep zzzzz

Alcohol is the big baddy!

Alcohol depletes thiamine (B1), folate and cobalamin (B12).
Thank you for this. Two things. I am happy to hear that you are getting relief and secondly thank you for the coffee and alcohol part. For me...it helps solidify the idea that there are two or more types of rls.
I never drank coffee, or smoked cigarettes or drank alcohol at 8 yrs old so what caused my rls..genetics?
Birdman, there are two types of RLS, Primary, inherited from a parent, so its genetic. That is the one i have. Then there is Secondary RLS, an underlying condition.
Wonderful!!!! What amount of B12 and Folic Acid are you taking?
I have tried this with no benefit. BUT That's no reason why everyone who still has symptoms should not try it starting tomorrow and let us know what happens. Who knows it might save 5% of us and that's a lot of happy people!!!!
If legbetter reads this can you tell us if it's still working??