Hi all. Basic quick background I'm 33/f I had RLS back in late teens but didn't kno what it was then and don't remember how it went away. I just suffered thru episodes thinking it was my anxiety. Fast forward a bit to now. I was on suboxone for 5 yrs. when I got off about 4 weeks ago my RLS started bad for a week as expected because it's a side effect. but I was able to control with yoga , epsom salt bath and 1 500mg naproxen every night. RLS stopped completely but about 2 weeks later it's now in my whole body. I sleep MAYBE 4 hrs a night and not even in a row. This is my 7 TH day with pretty much no real sleep. Beside what I mentioned above ( yoga , epsom salt and naproxen ) I've tried exercise, trazadone, acupuncture, klonopin, pot, cut the caffeine and sugar, clonidine. Obviously not all at once but trying to find a combo that might help till I get over this. Any off the beaten path suggestions? maybe herbal? I was on suboxone for a reason and not trying to take any other narcotic. I'm just so desperate.
Full body RLS at night sometimes duri... - Restless Legs Syn...
Full body RLS at night sometimes during the day.

Welcome- and sorry for your troubles.
If you are not taking any trigger substances -( see a list on "rls-uk.org")
Then what could be happening is"PAWS" which is basically a continuation of withdrawal symptoms long after the actual withdrawal symptoms.
I'm not sure exactly how one deals with this , but you could search google or look at the Matt Finch website which is quite good on the whole withdrawal deal. Just don't mind all the hard sell stuff!!
I hope this helps a bit.
There are all sorts of wierd and wonderful treatments for rls , which you'll find by reading through this site.
Take your pick!
To keep mine in check I take two 5mg of Diazipam, one at lunch the other at dinner time. I also use magnesium oil and rub into affected areas, find it a geat help. When able to get in and out of tub, bathe in magnesium flakes. Will also have the occasional spliff if get over agitated. This seems to work for my RLS but sleep and any form of sleep pattern shot to pieces.
Best of luck finding some relief
Coming off OxyContin (another opiate), I find that I get a symptom which feels very similar to rls - like a whole body version of rls. It lasts for nearly 6 weeks, on and off and with diminishing severity. Maybe it is something similar as you are coming off suboxone? Kratom (you may have to order it from Netherlands or somewhere) is helpful but really it's just a question of struggling through.
Have you been prescribed any dopamine agonists (mirapexin or ropinerole)? They must be treated with caution but are great for dealing with rls for most people. Be sure not to exceed the maximum dose however - keep the dose as low as possible.
I found a doctor who listened and I am taking pregablin 300mg 1 in morning & 1 before bed and tramadol 50mg 2 before bed been on this for a year & it reduced RLS 2 SMALL doses now an again, in the last year! Hope this helps you & anybody else who reads this. Wish you well
That sounds like a very sensible doctor, maesllan. I have found generally that using smaller amounts of a number of drugs has been more effective with my rls than relying on one drug and usually ever increasing quantities and unpleasant side effects arising from the size of the dose.