First timer here and have read quite a few of these posts.
I have suffered from rls since I can least 40 yrs ago. Back then it was very mild. Now....its legs waist arms shoulders....all over....and so intense sometime I wonder if I'm being electrocuted. As soon as I feel the pain from stretching...its pops into that muscle.
Now first of all I understand there are 2 rls'. One is genetic and the other is secondary...caused by outside causes. This means different approaches. I tried sinamet and requip. Didn't do shot for me accept cause augmentation.
I was just given my grandfather's copper bracelet. Apparently he had arthritis and the bracelet eleviated his symptoms. And my dad swears by magnets for his arthritis. I was happy to wear the bracelet because it was grandpas. I awoke the next morning... And was dumbfounded. I had had no symptoms.....and my neck wasn't aching. I had have my c6/c7 verts fussed and c8 could b next here soon. So the ache being much less and the symptoms gone....well copper was the change.
Our bodies are bio electrical machines. We are energy. We take in energy...we put out energy. What does almost every home have in it to conduct electricity.....copper wires. So the statement of copper only being absorbed through ingestion is rubbish.
I could go on forever with this because well there a lot more that could be said...but I won't at this point.
Instead...I will leave this....we are energy. What we put out we receive. Putting out these low vibration energy vibes on this page or any other....does not help anything accept bring more negative energy to the group. Here's a few sayings to unto others as you would have done to you. If you can't say something nice....don't say anything at all. If you are a I'll believe it when I see it thinker....then you will never see it.