Hi, I have suffered from RLS for about 2 years and also get very hot and uncomfortably tingly feet. Sometimes they are also painful, it is not always both feet, usually my right foot is worse than the other. It can be triggered by walking, but often just flaires up and when it does it often sets my legs off. It usually happen in the afternoons into the evening, but can start in the morning too. I often have to put them in a foot bath of cold water and at night I have a fan going to cool them down. Standing on cold floors helps also. Does anyone else suffer with this condition and if so can suggestion on remedies which might help.
RLS and hot tingly feet.: Hi, I have... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS and hot tingly feet.

I would reckon you should get that confirmed by an exerienced RLS Neurologist , that it is actually restless legs.
The critical symptom about rls is that you have an overpowering urge to move your legs due to a sensation- not necessarily painful.
There are plenty of medications for rls- but I would not recommend any of them unless you actually have rls.
Some neuropathic painkillers will relieve both rls and other conditions.
Your main challenge is to get a good opinion.
Good luck.
I've had RLS for 40 years but only tingly sensations. But my wife recently was diagnosed with RLS after a back injury and back injection with some kind of cortisone. Her main complaint is burning feet and /or legs or groin in the evening and after going to bed. Dr. put her on 200 mg gabapentin which helps. She takes an ice pack to bed each night which seems to help even more than the gabapentin.
Yes, the RLS moved to my partber's feet after ten years of its onset. The same experience as yours.
I had hot feet for years. Its actually only this past few years since the RLS has gotten a lot worse that my feet no longer burn, (man how I long for those days!!!).
I used to have to get out of bed and put my feet in as cold water as I could stand and that would help settle everything down! So the 2 can exist together - whether or not it is related to RLS I couldn't say for definite
Hi - there is Burning Foot Syndrome which is something that can go alongside other conditions or be an issue just in itself. My feet go bright red and get really hot. I've not bothered a doctor with it but it is recommended that you do see a doctor as there can be many causes. My doctors aren't great and usually just tell me 'you'll have to live with it' without asking any diagnostic questions or suggesting treatment. I usually leave in tears and end up with worsened depression so it doesn't make me keen to go. However, that's hopefully not typical (we're moving next year otherwise I would have changed surgeries). See what your doctor has to say. Good luck.

Thank you - that's useful to know.!
I have felt for a long time , that there is far more to this whole RLS set up than just simple" foot jitters".
Epecially reading about such diverse experiences on this site.
There must be many conditions that are similar but with different causes . The concern , I have is that the treatments should probably be different.
It's a great pity that there doesn't seem to be a real incentive to research this area.
Rant over!😎

Hot burning , tingling feet can be peripheral neuropathy & to make matters worse then you throw in the RLS.
Totally agree - think that there are a lot of conditions that doctors just simply don't know about yet, unfortunately.
Rant away! It's a great place to do it!
oh yes I do & yes all I want to do is put my feet on cold floors.
Thanks for all your interesting comments, it's always interesting to see what other sufferers of RLS have to say. 😊
My partner does.
I've had tingly/fidgety legs most of my life. I remember going to the ER for the first time in my mid-20s because the tingling was so bad I thought I had a clot or some sort of impingement. The hot feet started in my 40s and have worsened to the point that I can pretty much count on having it wreck my sleep at night. Cold floors, fan, cold pack. I've tried it all. Diabetes and low iron were ruled out (actually have high iron). I hate taking medications so I just deal with it. I've heard that B12 supplements can help. Has anyone tried that?
Hi! I’m having the same exact issues. I’ve had rls since I can remember. I’m 45 now and it’s in my arms, that started about 5 years ago. About 4 months ago I started feeling pins in my toes and my feet get really hot. Not a sweaty hot but a burning feeling inside type hot. Sucks to be us
Sounds like the onset of neuropathy. There is a link between rls and neuropathy.In my case everything seems to link back to rheumatoid arthritis. If you do develop neuropathy, take VERy good care of your feet. Check them daily, get good orthotics and never go barefoot. New Balance has good shoes for neuropathic feet.
Neuropathy can have serious ramifications: I’m about to lose my left foot.