Has anyone tried a Circulation Booster, I have found it helps a lot with RLS, I use it about an hour before I go to bed, so far so good, of course you can use it anytime of day. I believe anything is worth a try, good luck.
Has anyone tried a Circulation Booster, I have found it helps a lot with RLS, I use it about an hour before I go to bed, so far so good, of course you can use it anytime of day. I believe anything is worth a try, good luck.
I bought a circulation booster for my mum. She uses it quite often and tells me that it has helped her legs a lot. She knows when she needs a "boost" as her legs will start to play her up. The nice thing is that she can sit in the evening, watch her programmes on the telly and sort her legs out at the same time.
The machine was quite expensive, but, she is worth it after all.
What is the name of the "Circulation booster" that your Mum uses, legsandmore for general info?
Actually it's me who uses it, it just called Circulation booster, I had it off Amazon, sorry I can't be of more help.
HI, circulation has nothing to do with RLS. RLS is a neurological disorder. Boosting circulation may be good for many things, b ut RLS is not one of them, sadly.
I think the Circulation Booster has a similar effect to giving the legs a good massage. It could be that it simply takes your mind off the RLS for a while?
My Mum has RLS pretty bad as did her Father, l have it and so does my Brother. She takes Magnesium ( New Era number 8) and was already using a sleeping pill at bedtime. She claims her RLS has lessened since using the Circulation Booster.
I have a Powerplate and quite often use it to pummel my calves. Not a solution, but does help ease that chronic ache fir a time.