For those of you who suffer leg pain with their RLS, this is something you may want to try. I was diagnosed recently with Plantar Fasciitis which is basically heel pain and was given exercises by my doctor to help this. These exercises consisted of stretches for calves, achiles tendon and plantar fascia.
Well I have always associated my leg pain (which is in my calf) with RLS as it started around the same time, I have had it for nearly forty years, every single day, been to the doctors and they could not do anything about it. Anyway since I did these exercises, my leg pain has finally gone, it is amazing. I used to wake up every morning to a throbbing ache in my leg and now it has finally disappeared, it feels like a miracle but I know it was to do with the stretching exercises.
You do not need to buy anything, you can do these exercises on your lower step of your staircase, or against the wall, whatever you feel comfortable with. I just hold on to my staircase, and lower my heels down but keeping my toes firmly on the stairs and you will need to hold the stretch for a minimum of 30-60 seconds and you can really feel the stretch in your calves. I have also bought two foot rockers mainly because of my plantar fasciitis is taking a lot longer to heal. (but you do not need to buy these, but they can also help with leg pain too).
If you are interested, I suggest you google stretching exercises for calves, achiles tendon and plantar fascia.
If this just helps one person, I will be extremely pleased as I know the relief from this is just brilliant. GOOD LUCK!!!.