I finally had my arthritic knee replaced 5 days ago and my RLS has never been worse.
I have been on 3x 1 mg of Ropinrole per day for about 6 years and this has contained the worst of the condition. I would have some periods were the symptoms were very much worse and then they would subside a little.
Since the operation, my RLS has been terrible ( I eve woke from the anaesthetic with my legs jumping).
Every time I start my start my exercises and stretches, the RLS kicks in. I am finding the Ropinrole is taking longer to kick in and is less effective. I am reluctant to increase to 4x 1 mg per day
In hospital, when I tried to explain the situation to the surgeon, nurses and Physio, they all looked with blanked faces!
Had anyone else experienced this or has any suggestions?