I have been treated for my RLS with one kind of med after another since I was about 40. I am now 74. Currently I take 2 mg. of ropinirole plus 1200 mg. of neurontin one-and-a-half hours before bedtime. Since I've been on a Parkinson med (first mirapex and now ropinirole) I have had chronic urinary tract infections. While my doctors don't think the uti's are caused by the drug I suspect that there is some reason to think otherwise. In addition, I am having considerable augmentation occurring. I very much would like to get off the ropinirole and not take any dopamine agonists thereafter.
Most recently I have been taking a low dose of oxycodone along with the ropinirole and neurontin in the hopes I could taper off the ropinirole. Unfortunately it hasn't been an easy course. I wonder if there are some who use this website who have been successful in weaning off ropinirole. If so, how have you done it and what, if anything, are you taking now to manage your restless legs. I look forward to hearing from you.