I am taking 4 Ropinirole 0.25mg at night been on them for 9 months not working now. went to doctors she is changing me onto pramapapexole can some one tell me the best way to wean myself off of Ropinirole please.
weaning off ropinirole: I am taking... - Restless Legs Syn...
weaning off ropinirole

Hi, I had to do it slowly over a couple of months, 3, 2, 1, then 1 every other day then off. Hope all goes well on the new one.
doctor said take 4 each night for 1 week then 3 the next week then 2 for next week then 1 the next that brings me to the 1st of august do you think this is slow enough not looking forwood to it thanks for the help
It depends on whether you were augmenting on the Ropinerole thats where those pills were making your RLS worse or whether they just stopped working. If you think you were having augmentation from the Ropinerole then its not wise to start another dopamine med. If you think they just stopped working then you can change from the Ropinerole straight over to the Pramipexole without weaning, as they are both dopamine meds. The new recommended dosage for Pramipexole is to go no higher than .25mg that just two pills of the lowest dose.

I dont know what augamentation means. when I take the ropinirole just befor I go to bed at first I got about 5 hours sleep a night maybe some nights a little more but after nine months im lucky if i get 2 hours and my legs are bad in the day cant get an hours sleep in the after noon. I increased the dose to 5 fora couple of weeks and I was like a zombe all day the doctor I saw knows nothing about restless legs she had to go and ask one of her colleagues hope you can help me a little more as I am getting worried abut changing
Augmentation means when the ropinerole starts to turn against you rather than help with your RLS symptoms, so your symptoms come earlier in the day and feel worse, some people find they start having RLS in their arms and torsco. If this sounds like you, then you need to come off the Ropinerole very slowly a bit at a time, but you do need a strong pain med like Tramadol to help with the withdrawals you will get from weaning down. Discuss this with your doctor and i hope she will prescibe Tramadol for you. You dont need to go to the FB page mentioned in a comment on here. You will get all the support you need on this forum. Many members on here have had augmentation and had to wean off their dopamine med with the help of taking Tramadol with success. You need to tell your doctor that you are having augmentation from your med and the only way to correct that is to wean off of it. This info is for goodie.
goodie, here is a very good article about augmentation from a very good doctor who specialises in RLS. A doctor who alot of us on this forum trust what he says. sleepreviewmag.com/2015/02/... You can show this to your doctor.
I have just detoxed fron pramipexole. U might want to watch YouTube. Augmentation by Dr Christopher Earley, dopamine drugs are not the way forward. Facebook group support is RLS SUCKS