Just thought I'd write a quick post to say how grateful I am for this forum and the RLS UK charity! I came across the website completely accidently on a Google search last year when I was 16 and suffered severe RLS my whole life without knowing that it was a genuine condition. I was at such a low point in my life where I was frustrated and completely sleep deprived and thought that it was my own fault. Since then I have realised that what I was going through was not normal, was not my fault and it was not something I had to put up with and I was certainly not alone! Since then I had seen doctors and neurologists all over the country and yesterday I was finally diagnosed with RLS and prescribed benzodiazepines. I know that this is definitely not the end and it will probably be a long battle trying to find a drug, if any, that will work for me but its a start! If it wasn't for the great info posted online I would still be feeling completely hopeless, crazy and alone and I'm so grateful that I am no longer
Thank you RLS-UK: Just thought I'd... - Restless Legs Syn...
Thank you RLS-UK

Thank you so much for this lovely feedback. I will ensure all of the RLS-UK volunteers are made aware of your very kind comments.
Daragh, Chair RLS-UK

Hi Leighcath, you made me very happy today to read your message. I am one of the volunteers that can be counted on one hand. I am so pleased to hear that on doing a google search you found the RLS-UK website and were able to get help. The website has recently been revamped and a forum is starting up on there as well.
Thank you very much for taking the time to post. It really is appreciated, more than you will ever know.

Thank you leighcath, that is so good to hear.
Hi Leighcath, I often wonder how you are getting on, as being so young and having to cope with this awful RLS. You are an inspiration for all of us. I sincerely hope that you can follow your dreams through life without any great interruption from the RLS.
All of Gods blessings to you and enjoy life to the full. Jimeka x