Has anyone on this site suffering from severe restless legs (as I do) used Lidocaine Gel? If you have how did you use it, as I understand you shouldn't rub it in and did it work? I think you can only buy a 2% Lidocaine Gel without prescription is that strong enough? Just got to find something that will enable me to sleep.
Lidocaine Gel: Has anyone on this site... - Restless Legs Syn...
Lidocaine Gel

Hi bedith6, i think most of us suffer with severe RLS, i know i do. Look at BBGuess post on here, the only person i know who is using the gel and getting good results so far.

Contrary Elisse, Patches work better, nut not covered by my Insurance.
Encouraging: Someone Posted about using Cannabis Tincture or oil and DMSO. An idear I had after try Cannabis Butter(Cannabutter) Youtube has lots of demos on preparing Cannabis Oils, tinctures or edibles. For those that haven't learned yet you want Wheed high in CBD to use for Medical Purposes. Doesn't get you high, in case you don't want to carry out your daily routines talking about conspiracies carried out by the Anonymous They. "Have you heard what They're doing Now?" As Legalization spreads so will the munchies, and outbursts of silliness, which will be a very positive result. I'm waiting for July 1, when Dispensaries/Apothecaries will open here in Oregon. It treats an amazing number of afflictions. Its (present) cost may make Insurance say No for quite awhile, $150-$200+/ounce is a lot on a limited income. All incomes are limited, some more than others..Oops, my soapbox has appeared.
Live Long and Prosper
I stand corrected, i thought you had some success with the gel. Cannabis is illegal here in the UK. I wish they would try to keep up and give us it in medical form. I have tried the ordinary stuff just to see, it didnt work for me. Most probably if we had it in medical form it would work but give side effects. EVERYTHING give me side effects.

It's difficult to be patient, but Cannabis will become legal worldwide because of its economic value within the next ten years.
Hmmm, i have heard its boosting the USA economy.

74% Growth in Sales Annually.Puts more into the HewSA Economy then the War on Drugs. Hopefully, Legallization will bring an end to the War on Drugs, The Black Market for Drugs and Whatever, represents an Enormous Amount of Cash Flow World-wide. A book called the ClueTrain Manifesto deals with just that. Illicits sell regasrdless of lrgalitity. The best Sales Gimmick there is is to tell people they can't have or do something. "Ya Can't Do That," Bingo It's Sold.
The Adult Industry is a multi trillion dollar/year business. The 3rd largest Industry in the World. CNBC produced two features during the last 5-10 years that are worth getting on Tape. Marrijuana, Inc. and Porn, The Business of Pleasure. The Circulatory Medications, PGE5's, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. and now Sendra are multi-Quadrillion. Divide a Quadrillion Bucks by 1, 000,000 to get an idea of just how much money that is. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, and president's Net Worth in 2015 is 79.3 Billion. A Quadrillion is $12,500 approximately. To get a handle on Wealth. My Income is Social Security Suplemental Income, SSI, $733/mth in 2015 with full Food Benefits(Food Stamps)
, $194/mth, that's less than $12,500/year. Medical Isssues like CPS, and RLS give me a perspective on Wealth.
I think anyone with a Chronic Illness automatically becomes Low-Income.
Gawd, where am I going with this? Yes, Cannabis is the fastest growing 'sector' of the US economy. Currently empty store fronts, with Hemp This or That Names are all over the Portland Metro Area awaiting July 1st Launch date for Legal Pot Sales. After that date, who knows. So yes, Elisse, Pot/Pleasure/Healing Sells big Time.
Hello bed
I think you would find this site helpful regarding to your question :

Rahin50, interesting Posts on treato. I use the patches. I have a seizure condition Topical use shouldn't cause seizures. If it should become an issue, I have Lorazepam available. I wish the Gel was more effective for me. I can only use one hand, applying the patches with one hand is difficult.
Rahim. Doesn't work. Boo.
The link is a dead end.
Yes, read my posts(BBGuess). I've started using Lidocaine Patches held in place either behind and around my knees with gauze wrap or coban, or dirctly on the outsides of thighs Works PDW(Pretty Damn Well) The Jelly's not that effective with me. Patches are Spendy and not covered by my insurance Medicaid, the Gell is. After using Gel, remember to wash your hands
That works but I find that the lidocaine lotion works better than the gel or the patches that only cover limited areas. I would use the lotion that does sink into the skin fairly fast.
IT doesn't work WELL for rls but it can sure get rid of pain fast.
I was told that it does cause the heart to beat more slowly...
especially if you use more than one or two patches.
I use it almost daily on my feet for neuropathy. The gel slides right
off but the cream in a tub is thick and stays put all of the time.
It works excellent for my hands with arthritis. I have been using it
with a lotion that is deep penetration (I mix it) and it gets rid
of arthritis for my hands.
As far as RLS goes, I have used the pads in combination with lotion
lidocaine It worked...although I don't know if I was on vacation from
RLS - meaning that it didn't act up during this time or if it actally was working. Somehow I think that it did help or prevent.
Hi gels won"t work.
Go and see your doctor and ask him to give you a medication called Nappaxrin.
It really does work.
These Gels areca ripoff and don"t work as well as medication.
Lotions stay on and penetrate the skin. It comes in gel or lotion.
The lotion is very thick.. but it comes out of a tube.
Huge difference that it makes.
I use Voltaren Gel (the purple onw) it has diclofenac diethylamine 1.16% - absolutely makes me free of any symptoms in less than 5 minutes and allow me to sleep...
Got Voltaren with higher diclofenac diethylamine % and it didnt work same way... so went back to the purple one with only 1.16% of diclofenac diethylamine.
Not sure if this is recommended, or if i am doing the right thing... but it is really working and doing me good nights. I hope there wont be any side effect of that...
Planning to bring this up with my family doc.