This is a very good short term analgesic. Taken over a long period it becomes addictive. It is an opiod. You need to be very careful. That's why during the summer it became a controlled drug.
Tramadol: This is a very good short... - Restless Legs Syn...
Hello basil
Well that was not all the reason, the reason was that doctors
We're over prescribing them, you will see a lot of this there's ace been lots of drugs like this and then they are banned or taken
Off the market all together.
The drug addicts just love Tramadol as they crush the tablet
And sniff it up there noses then get a big high, which we don't
Get.they do it with pregablin as well. It was easy to get it prescribed all they do is say that they are in a lot of pain and
Nothing else takes the pain away, it's big big business in
Of course they are addictive so are a lot of drugs for pain we get
Prescribed, but we are not drug additives and with the correct
Help from your GP it's not hard to come off
For me Well let me think, addiction and my life back or
Pain and no life does not even get my brain thinking
Viv xx
I am a clinician in NHS. I have a rare condition. Vascultis. I was put on them because of joint, muscle and abdominal pain. When discharged took myself off them. Now use only when needed codine snd and paracetamol. But RLS is a by product of the nerve damage caused by vascultis.
Can't wait in can we every thing has some side effect
Codine is very good but makes most people
Constipated then we have to take some thing
For that
I know but for me its a better option than being addicted to an opiod drug. You only need to have a high fibre diet and not a problem with codine.
I'm sorry but I don't understand your point about being addicted to tramadol
As you point out you know about these things then you will know that
Even over the counter codine is very
Addictive as it is made from the same
Source as heroine
Let's face it we have to,be careful
Not to overdose but I think addiction
Is the least of our problems

That's not true never had constipation but the sick feeling was more than I could take with CODiNE if you want some you can have mine
Well sorry but for most people it is true,
If you read the information it states
That it causes constipation, just because you did not suffer from it does not make it untrue
All strong painkillers cause me to be constipated, I am terrible with it , lucky to go once a week.My mum says I have always been mean at parting with anything though! Lol
Just take your probiotic and constipation shouldn't be a problem or if it is then try a vegetable based "helper" - you can take the two together since the helper will not work immediately.. don't take a harsh laxative. Explosive diarrhea is the result if you go that route. Not fun..
Wow, really rare. Rare enough so that I didn't even see the usual plethora of alternative practitioners hawking their wares. Interesting that the different types of vasculitis are seemingly confined to different countries ie UK versus Japan versus North America.
I saw one article regarding vascular dementia and a substance called L. Carnosine, but as you know your condition is completely different. But in the process I did come across an interesting article regarding hyperthyroidism (including Graves as an underlying cause) and another substance called L Carnitine:
Very glad that you are handling your condition well.
I agree Viv! X

Hi Viv I came of Tramadol after 10 years and it was not easy at all. In fact I had 6 months of not sleeping restless legs panic attacks feeling lathargic I could go on.
The last month when I was down to only 50mg every other day were the worst down one day up the next felt suicidle.
But I can only speak for myself. It's about 4 or 5 weeks now and it's finally lost it's hold on me
Rose x
It's a big problem, pain or taking tablets that
Are hard to come off
For me I know what they are and how hard it
Is to come off them but if I don't take strong
Tablets I don't have a life.
You have done very well to come off them do
You know that drug addicts are given methadone
To get off Tramadol.
Medication is very scary really we are given these
Things without most doctors explaining to us what could happen.
I hope that you don't have to much pain now
and that you have found a way to help you.
Well done it must of been hell
Viv x
It's a big problem, pain or taking tablets that
Are hard to come off
For me I know what they are and how hard it
Is to come off them but if I don't take strong
Tablets I don't have a life.
You have done very well to come off them do
You know that drug addicts are given methadone
To get off Tramadol.
Medication is very scary really we are given these
Things without most doctors explaining to us what could happen.
I hope that you don't have to much pain now
and that you have found a way to help you.
Well done it must of been hell
Viv x
Hi I really wish tramadol worked for me as so many find it helps.It helped the first night I took it alongside my Neuoro but after that it didnt do a thing
It doesn't work for a lot of people. I have spoken to many who have said the same as you. There's plenty more analgesic drugs to choose from.
Oh yes I know my symptoms are 95 percent under control now by taking very low doses of 3 med . Sometimes a low dose combination works better than a high dose of one med
I would agree with you.
I would agree with you.
How does vasculitis affect you?
Vascultis is a systemic disease. An auto-immune problem. It is very difficult to explain just what is going on. If you want to understand it more, please look at this website it will give you an insight into vascultis. There's also a channel on HealthUnlocked. I am also on there as well.
I will do, I am interested in autoimmune disorders as I have one myse7 as does my daughter, They do tend to run in families
I know that. I have 4granddaughters at some point we will have to get them tested. I am a clinician in the NHS So I have been very fortunate that I have just about gotten everything I wanted. Including not just seeing a variety of consultants in my home town, but also a referal to the medical school in Sheffield for a number of tests etc which would have been difficult in Doncaster where I live and work. Keep in touch. I have not met many people who are keen to understand my problems with vascultis. Thanks xx
I have Graves disease and my daughter has autoimmune arthritis .The consultant I see (also in Sheffield) told me its not always the same autoimmune disorder that is passed on but can vary eg diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis alopecia, pernicious anemia etc . different conditions but all autoimmune. I mow know of another one vascultis
I understand that. However as yet no one knows what the cause of vasculitis is. It usually follows an infection such as sinusitis etc. This is the main cause of the systemic variants. It can also be associated with with problems with drugs etc. This form is self limiting as change the drug or other cause it resolves it's self and doesn't return.
Amazing that the medical community recognizes that it follows an infection. I know a couple of people who developed ulcerative colitis after contracting food poisoning/dysentery in Mexico but their doctors would never acknowledge that as the possible cause or even trigger.
So you think that the nerve damage is causing your RLS? I totally agree with you but not everyone who develops vasculitis and subsequent nerve damage will develop RLS. In what way do you think nerve damage can cause RLS? I have my own theories but I would love to hear yours.
Are you confusing addiction with dependence and/or tolerance? If tramadol relieves someone's symptoms, of course they'll become dependant on it because RLS never goes away. And a lot of medications, over a long period of time, will lead to tolerance build up, requiring the user to increase their dose to get the same effect. Addiction, however, causes abuse (or vice versa). There is nothing inherent about tramadol or RLS that would lead someone to abuse it after taking it for a long period of time. I repeat, needing to take it to relieve legitimate symptoms (dependence) or needing to increase a therapeutic dose (tolerance) is perfectly fine and no reason to scare anyone away from a possible treatment. Tramadol by itself will not cause someone to take more than necessary (or more often than necessary). That's abuse. That's addiction. And that's person specific.
How I agree with you Ookla they frighten about Tramodol,all I can say if it helps you big time you are going to take it ,I wouldn't be getting the rest I am getting if I hadn't gone on them. Of course I know my leg is going to start 6.00 time so if I can I am going to do something about it like anyone else would do. Are the ones that are so against Tram victims
Hi, i am taking amiltriptyline with tramadol and they seem to work together,