Hi everyone, can i get some advice and suggestions please.
I take Pregabalin 25mgs x 4 times a day, one in the morning and 3 in the evening. I also take 200mgs of slow release Tramadol twice a day, morning and evening.
For the last month to 6 weeks, my RLS has been of the scale. My legs start up around 10/11 every night, and they do not stop until around 10 in the morning, so i am on my feet all this time.
I am thinking it could be the Tramadol, as i know it can worsen RLS, so im planning on talking to my doctor to change it from the slow release to the normal pill, with the intention of weaning myself of it. If my doctor will change it, how slowly do you think i need to go on weaning please.
I already augmented on Prami and it was rough so not looking forward to this, but i cannot live like this.
I recently saw a new neurologist, told her my RLS history, and she said there is nothing more she could give me, as ive tried everything she's allowed to give me, so she has decide to send me to the movement disorder clinic at the same hospital, she did seem to know her stuff as she talked about ferritin levels and other stuff we all know, my ferritin is 67 she told me, from a blood test recently when i was in hospital with sepsis, she wont help getting my levels up as 75 is classed as ok for us here (UK)