Strangely after a few years taking up to 100mg Tramadol to alleviate my RLS symptoms I have developed severe itching with localised "chicken pox" type pimples mainly on my arms and on the inside of my right thigh? For the last 4 nights it is in the main the itchiness which has prevented me from sleeping not the RLss!!! I am wondering whether it is the increase in Tramadol to 150mg which is making the difference although I have tried to get by on 100mg but inevitably loosing sleep now from both causes!!!!
Is there a topical cream which can be recommended on this site?
I am waiting to see my doctor to discuss coming off Tramadol?
Does Pregabalin or the other often mentioned drug Gabapentine cause the skin to itch?
I must admit I have had a good run with Tramadol often achieving 8 hours sleep but over the last 4 weeks or so I am now only achieving 2 to 3 hours at the most with an hours sleep after a breakfast!!! (Strange when daylight comes and I dose off after breakfast I never experience RLS! -it's a very distressing condition)