Tramadol is the one drug that seems to help my dad's severe RLS. Unfortunately, it seems to give him insomnia. Has anyone had a similar experience on this medication?
Tramadol : Tramadol is the one drug... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi, I'm using Tramadol and it works for me, however, I too suffer from Insomnia not every night but 3 out of 7 nights I'm awake just look at the time this reply was posted. Not sure which is worse not sleeping or dancing legs.
Tramadol is my saviour and also gives me insomnia but I cope well the next day and have become more relaxed about it. I do get a low at 5 or 6pm and if I sit down go into a deep sleep which makes insomnia worse! Prefer insomnia every time, couldn't cope with arms and legs RLS without Tramadol.
I have been taking Tramadol (200 mg) for the past month in conjunction with 1 mg mirapex and have gone from 0-4 hours sleep to 7 or 8 hours with minimal symptoms. Wonderful what a good nights sleep does! Had hoped to get off the mirapex but that doesn't seem to be the case. The combination that works best for me is .25 mg mirapex at noon, .5 mg 5:30ish and .25 mg and 200 mg Tramadol at bedtime.
I hope this keeps working forever!
Greta from Canada
I'm on TRAMADOL, have been on it for five years and also works wonders for my RLS, however, i also suffer from insomnia because of it. To me the
Trade off is worth it because even though I don't sleep, only about 2 hrs per night, it's better than that awful feeling in my legs. I nap during the day, sometimes twice, little cat naps, I'm fortunate to be able to, and then after about five bad sleepless nights I'll get a good one. I just mentioned this to my doctor and he said to take Melatonin, I can't take ambien because I have liver disease. Tell your father to ask his doctor for sleeping aides. Good luck, let me know what happened after talking to MD. I'm sure your dad will agree that no sleep is better than RLS torture.
At last my granddaughter has sorted my iPad out for me and am now back on the rls site first time for about 2 weeks. I am also on Tramodol 2 tabs 50 mg a day,they have been my salvation if I take and don't forget you wouldn't know I had rls but they. Still make me tiered Well the Tramodol make some stay awake and some sleepy but they take away the dreaded rls
I'm also on Tramadol, which works extremely well at relieving RLS provided I take it in the right quantity. Too little and my RLS goes mad. It's never given me insomnia, and it's actually supposed to make you more sleepy. I wonder if those who suffer from insomnia are doing so because they were having trouble sleeping before, due to the RLS, and their bodies have got into the habit? That's not meant in a dismissive way, but I'm sure I've come across info that says once you start to suffer from insomnia it's really difficult for your body to break out of the habit? Just a thought.
I wonder what his Tramadol prescription is? I take a 50mg capsule along with one 50mg Ropinirole tablet which seems to work well for me. Interesting though Tramadol was never prescribed for RLS it was prescribed for pain relief after an operation. Then I read the Tramadol leaflet contained in the box and it specifically mentioned RLS!! Never looked back and that was 2 years ago
Hi i didnt know RLS was mentioned in the leaflet,thanks for info.Is that in UK?
My leaflet for Tramadol also doesnt mention to use for RLS either, even tho we know it can. But the dose for RLS should be the same as if you were taking it for pain. Some can take a low dose of just 100mg Tramadol some need more, up to 400mg. 400mg is the highest dose to take for what ever you take it for.
Tramadol is the only medication I can take for pain that doesn't make me sick. I've been taking Generic Ultram (Tramadol) for the last six months now buying them at and it's completely changed my life. Of course, everyone's tolerance to pain medication is different, but for me it work great. It's never given me insomnia. Plus I've also noticed it elevates my mood and gives me a boost of energy.
Had quite an interesting night with tramadol! My RLS was turned into a total trip with workmen drilling my body and prams and cars running all over me. I didn't take too much, but I was out of my tree!!! Didnt sleep at all either! never again!
Wow, thanks for this. I got so desperate last night that I took a Tramadol and that was it, no sleep until gone 6 this morning and feel awful now. No more Tramadol for me.
I take tramadol and have a neupro patch both of which can cause sleep problems but I also take clonazepam which helps me sleep. I manage 6 hours every night, I was on as much as 4mg of clonazepam which left me very heavy headed but I am down to 1.25 now