Hi, I'm a 65 year old man who six months ago was diagnosed with RLS by a Consultant Neurosurgeon. At the time my symptoms were an irresistable need to move my legs because of sensations in my joints, mainly ankle and knee followed by an hour or two of almost unconciousness or very deep sleep when my wife said my legs flayed about. On waking there followed a period of confusion and insomnia. Attacks were always in the evening, usually after a meal and when relaxed on sofa watching TV. My GP treated me with levodopa which caused such bad side effects that I had to stop. I was then prescribed Cymbalta, (even worse side effects) and amytriplene which was the same effect as Cymbalta.
Recently symptoms have developed around those above and now follow this pattern. A feeling of intense coldness and
and excess peeing (every hour) followed by the same symptoms of irresistable need to move my legs and arms. Walking becomes clumsy and unbalanced. The desire for deep sleep follows as before. When I wake up after a couple of hours I have an erection though I do not feel aroused. I am totally irrational, have watering eyes, am overwhelmingly oppressed like a great weight upon me, intermittent sharp pain in head and I can't stop myself moving arms, legs and body. Sound becomes unbearable as does bright light. Terrible high pitch constant whistle in ears. Can't sleep, can't concentrate and can't control my movement. Pass massive stools. After many hours of this, exhausted I finally get an hour or two sleep and wake tired but able to function. These attacks usually last overnight, from after dinner. In the last couple of weeks these attacks have started to last 24 hours and are totally disruptive.
I am normally energetic walking my dog for a couple hours daily, gardening and generally normal living except when these attacks happen which are becoming more intense and frequent.
My GP believes my reaction to the drugs is caused by brain damage which I sustained as a child and is worried about giving me any drugs which react on the central nervous system. I have found that smoking marijuana during the insomnia alleviates the irrationality and oppression and relaxing my tense limbs and body so that I can play computer games or pass time during the insomnia. This action may be illegal and contraversial but it helps and when in that state anything that helps is good.
Am I typical of RLS? I believe that the brain damage I have may be causing me problems in old age and that the main cause is that. Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.