Has anyone ever tried marijuana for m... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Has anyone ever tried marijuana for medicinal purposes. My RLS is getting worse. I will ask my dr. to prescribe it.

Bella5 profile image
109 Replies

I will keep you posted on this subject.

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Bella5 profile image
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109 Replies
darren34 profile image

Yes, I find that my RLS symptoms are decreased when I use marijuana, although it does not relieve them completely. I also take cocodamol which was prescribed by my G.P. Although the downside to this is that you inevitably end up taking more as your tolerance increases.

in reply to darren34

You do what you gotta do..no judgement from me. I am

strongly supporting the use if it frees you from this ugly

rls. =)

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to darren34

Thanks Darren - can you be a little more specific about the downside. I'm not sure I understand, if your tolerance increases why would you take more marijuana. Also, do you take the marijuana when you feel a spell coming on.

landman profile image
landman in reply to darren34

I use everyday 4-6 times a day, yet I still have some left, from an oz I started last Nov 1st. It works for pain better than anything, including scotch.

BBGuess45 profile image
BBGuess45 in reply to landman

landman what strains do you use? I put together a Word Doc on strains said to be effective against RLS & Pain. I take Norco10's for Pain, I'll stop it briefly to test Pot to see if I've found the correct Wonder strain(s). I'm waiting for the recreational dispensaries to open here(OR) in July. I don't want to get a Card.

I used good wheed in '89 when I had Trigeminal Varicella Shingles. 3 oz/week, simply got so loaded I was detached from the Agony.

Are you using a CBD strain? Sorry for all the questions. I grew , dealt, used, BackWhen, then an ounce of 'good stuff' was the criteria for what was effective. Now it's Grandfather Purple, Purple Kush, Querkle, Finding out what helps others before walking into the fragrant world of HeyWowitsLegal is important, and cost effective. Taxes are raising the cost of Pot way out of reach. I don't have the room to grow indoors. A Dispensary will trigger the Kid-in-a-Candy-Store Syndrome that eats bank accounts

If you don't mind taking the time to fill us/me in on which strains you're finding helpful for RLS/Pain I would sure appreciate it.

Thank You. Detailed descriptions of which strains are as necessary as information about the meds we use

landman profile image
landman in reply to BBGuess45

I have no idea what strain. As to amount I smoke, an oz lasts me a year. I smoke everyday about 5 times a day. I only take 1 hit each time.

I do not believe MJ relieves pain as much as it allows your mind to deal with the pain. For me it acts as a thought in inhibitor. Sometimes when my MJ is not available, I must do from within when I am without. I believe with my mind all things are possible including curing myself of PD through exercise and praying. I pray at least 5 times a day. I look at what I have accomplished by doing this. I live & pray with an attitude of gratitude. I never pray to be cured. I pray with an attitude of gratitude. When I pray I thank GOD for my healing and tell HIM "every day in every way I am getting better and better.

IE: 3 years ago I could not walk, today I can walk without an aid such as a cane

My Pd was caused by lead poisoning. My levels were 8 times higher than normal.

Good health to YOU

BBGuess45 profile image
BBGuess45 in reply to landman

I agree that Weed makes it easier to deal with Pain...distancing yourself from it...

I haven't tried and of the Pain relieving Strains, or Tinctures made from them.

There's been a lot of research going on for many years into the possible benefits of Cannabis and why in particular it has been effective against certain disorders. That's why learning the strains is important, but in areas whee it's not dispensed medically or controlled for general use, its difficult to find out what you really need to know. However if just a few hits floats your boat. That really is all that matters

Good luck to You

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to darren34

it depends on what strain of MJ you are using. I have used it for over 40 yrs and I do not have tolerance built up at all. I still smoke the same amount after all this time. You have to get the right kind, there are many different strains used for different things.

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to nightdancer

Can you tell us what strain you use for restless legs - obviously it reduces the pain if you've used it all these years.

BBGuess45 profile image
BBGuess45 in reply to Bella5

Google GUIDE TO 24 MEDICAL MARIJUANA STRAINS, and/or An Insider's Guide to Medical Cannabis. Create for yourself a Word document or Google Doc of the names and properties of the Strains that may/will help you, then seeif can buy them in your area

Marijuana isnt legal in the UK. I know almost all the states in the USA now do prescribe medical marijuana. So, if you take it here you run the risk of getting busted. lol If you live in the UK, no doctor can prescribe it. Some people do get relief from using it.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to

I've asked my Neuro to prescribe it he said it's ok for short term use im asking him again when i go thursday hoping he will this time seeing nothing else works they can prescibe it over here Elisse i know a couple people that get it from the hospital for pain relief along with other meds

in reply to gypsy49

So, does that mean you can only get it from a hospital or neuro, and not by a GP. ??

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to

yep... when i asked the neuro i see he just said it not a long term answer ok for short term and can prescribe it but thought it would be waste time im going ask him again when i go this week seeing the meds don't work for me and i know that does when i've used before knocks me out like a light lol

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to gypsy49

my neuro said go for it, in fact she is pushing me to sign up for the medical MJ program in my state, which I have and should have my legal use card in a few days. I am in the US. Pretty soon it will be legal in every state. About half of them have changed the laws now, so in the US things are moving in the right direction. It is so much safer than alcohol when you compare the statistics. I have used it since I was 16, and I am still here! And thinking very clearly every day. And, in less pain, or at least can tolerate the pain better. My neuro said to stock up before my back surgery. I see the surgeon next week and will have a date after that! ;) Finally! It is worth the wait to wait for the right doctor, who operated on my neck twice. ;)

in reply to gypsy49

Ok, thanks,Gypsy, and that is in pill form..?? cant see them giving you the baccy to make up ciggies to smoke. :P And do you know the actually name they give it here..??

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to

the friends i have that get it from the hospital is smoked form no point in pill form loads of man made crap with it there is a spray form or was not sure if that was took off the market over here , i'll find out thursday for sure ,

in reply to gypsy49

I saw a documentary maybe 2-3 years ago, they were trying the spray form for a woman who had MS, she walked in struggling to walk, came out and walked brilliantly..!! I often wonder where they went with the spray, as i have never heard about it since.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to

i was offered the spray about ermm.... must be bout 5 or 6 yrs ago by quack neuro dr he said he'd look into it but he never sent another appointment only say him 10 mins in all where's this one i see now see him every couple months for bout an hour or so first appointment was 2 and half hour long he's defo thinking of what i asked him last time so will ask again :) fingers cross he says yes , but yeah like you not heard bout the spray in a looooong time

BBGuess45 profile image
BBGuess45 in reply to gypsy49

Make your Neuro some Brownies....

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

NO, in two sates it is completely legal. In the medical MJ states, you just need to get a "green" card, and you do not need a doctor's permission to use it legally after you get that card. For the pill form, every doctor cold prescribe it if they want to. That is in the US of course. ;)

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to nightdancer

i have a friend that lives in one of the states where it's legal wants me to move there ... just so i could sleep ..... yeah i know about the green card think someone spoke of it some where on H/U some where ....

It's a shame that people have to break the law or risk ruining their life

over smoking or ingesting a plant that really does help! It's not the drug

choice for me because it didn't ever do a single thing for me. (good or

bad) but so many people do get total relief from these kinds of conditions.

If you live in the USA, some states allow you to have "some" in your

possession. I am not really interested in it..my state doesn't allow it.

Twenty-four7 profile image

I use marijuana from time to time to help me break a particularly bad RLS cycle. It definitely works in the short-term, but I am not sure the results would be so positive if I was using it all the time. I read somewhere ( I think in Dr Buchfuhrer's book) that it is good to have a box of tricks (so to speak) to use to combat RLS when it gets really bad. Marijuana is definitely in my box

Bella5 profile image

Thanks 24/7 - I've never used marijuana - can you tell me how it feels and does it act quickly to reduce the pain?

Twenty-four7 profile image
Twenty-four7 in reply to Bella5

It acts very quickly. People have different tolerance levels so results vary, but when people say they tried marijuana once and it had no effect I tend not to believe them. Like Bill Clinton, they probably didn't inhale. The problem today is that there are so many very strong variants that you have to be very careful. Kids today tend to want to get completely blotto on whatever they take, rather than just enjoy the experience. It is not a pain-killer, it simply relaxes the brain, and can make the pain more bearable. Frankly I find it ridiculous that, in a society where binge drinking seems to be encouraged, we cannot have an intelligent discussion on the benefits of marijuana. If you do intend to try I would only suggest that you find someone more experienced to guide you through. All things in moderation.

in reply to Twenty-four7

I have tried it, and i inhaled, it didnt do a thing for my RLS, i used it for about 3-4 nights in a row, after the last time i tried it, i felt weird the next morning, so that was the end of my use of trying it.

Yes, you do have to be careful on what the strain is you get, some can be very strong. You just need to get relaxed not get a high from it.

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to

what strength did you use

in reply to Bella5

I dont know, i didnt "buy" it myself, someone gave me some to try, i didnt even make one up, i wouldnt have had a clue how to. lol.

landman profile image
landman in reply to Twenty-four7

I use everyday 4-6 times a day, yet I still have some left, from an oz I started last Nov 1st. It works for pain better than anything, including scotch. I agree with YOU, anything in moderation. Besides that everybody reacts different no matter what the digest. Even chocolate.

in reply to landman

scotch and any alcohol tends to make rls worse.

4-6 times a day would cost a fortune over here in

the United States! Do you have breakthrough pain

and discomfort at that dose? Does it help you to

stay sleeping all night?

landman profile image
landman in reply to

I am in US, Las Vegas. An ounce lasts me a year. I take 1 hit 4-6 times a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Take as needed or want. Some people smoke until they are high, I believe take a hit and wait to see what happens. Yes, it does allow me to fall asleep and stay asleep for the 4-6 hours I sleep per night.

in reply to landman

I couldn't know this on my own.. I have

to know every possibility before I use

a drug or it makes me too scared...

The candid honesty and the light sense

of humor makes this post so well worth

reading.. I appreciate the many, many

comments, truths about using this drug.

Thank you Bella for the post...thank

you everyone for contributing with a great

sense of honesty and witt. It's the one

post that will stick around for a long time,

I hope.

in reply to

Its been a good discussion, lots of input, good and bad on using marijuana. Everyone having told their own experience of it.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to Twenty-four7

Alcohol kills. There are no recorded deaths directly linked to the use of medical marijuana. I mean DIRECTLY linked to be very clear, but alcohol kills thousands every year, and that is a fact.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to nightdancer

like anything....anything can kill... it's the person that abuse it that kills of course like anything anyone can have an allergy towards anything ...

in reply to nightdancer

lots of thing can kill, not just alcohol, and food can kill if you abuse that also

in reply to nightdancer

I know of 3 deaths linked to medical marijuana, the man who was prescribed it, lost it completely, and set his house on fire, his wife and two kids burnt to death in there, so even if its prescribed its still a dangerous drug, no i dont agree with it at all, even prescribed pain meds can tip people over the edge, so i dont see how you can single out one drug and say its ok to use it, all drugs and all alcohol can lead to deaths, and that is a fact also

in reply to

I am sorry to hear of that. No one has said its ok to use, we have all given our experience of it. Mine wasnt a good one. Some find it ok to use. The same as any medication or drug, we all react differently

in reply to

On the road where i lived to, was awfull, ive moved since, couldnt stay there after that

in reply to

i was just giving my thoughts on it same as everyone else, even our meds give us problems dont they

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to Bella5

It is different for everyone, like anything else.

Bealla5, It kept my uncle with bone cancer alive a lot longer. From

what he told me a medical grade will work very quickly. The duration

of pain relief is 2 to 8 hours...(he was at a high pain point) You can

make adjustments.. I don't think that you can overdose on it.. at least

I haven't heard that.. maybe someone who knows someone who uses

it will help you out with more details about how you should expect to

feel. I sure hope so, anyway.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

My uncle and everyone else that I have known who had cancer, used it a LOT for the nausea, and because it helped their appetite. I know many people that use it and lots of them are over 80 yrs old. ;)

This cannot be a solution for the future. Must be better with a spinal morphine pump.

in reply to

Oh goodness. I cannot imagine an insurance company footing the bill

for a spinal morphine pump.. not in the USA.. but it would be the right

answer for some people who never get much sleep.

in reply to

Here in Sweden things are very different, we pay very high taxes so that we can have free healthcare. I will have the pump on the common health care.

cefndaniel profile image

Tried it and even with my normal meds I was awake all night and had one of the worse nights of pain and RLS ever. I have RLS 24/7 and take 2mg Ropinorole and 50gm of Tramadol at night. I have not slept for more than 10 minutes at a time for the past 3 nights I am exhausted, no way to live. would love my Doctor to have it for 'one night only' things may then be different.

in reply to cefndaniel

We are all unique and anyone can call me on the fact that I

did not inhale it into my lungs. I wasted it I guess..laugh at me

but I think I used it like a straw...that was a good long time ago..

haha. Never got the hang of it. =D ...

in reply to cefndaniel

People on this site saw the very ugly me when I was without sleep

for 1 to 3 nights in a row. I was given 30 pills to go home with once

or twice with instruction that it had to last me 30 days. They were

gone by day 15, I called for a refill and was told that they were sticking

to the refill every 30 days.. one pill at bedtime only. This time my

prescription lasted 20 days and I was the worst ever after those

last 10 nights. I quit it altogether because if I have the pills, I

will use them late afternoon and night.. I do not have the will power

to let them sit there while I am suffering hard with rls.

Shoeinthree profile image

Hello, I was prescribed it in pill form, but after reading the side effects I decided I didn't want them either, it increases your eating, and that was not a good thing for me weight gain, and after telling my kids for so many years not to do dope I didn't want to be sitting back at home buzzed out, but no judgements to others, you do what you have to do, I have severe RLS. 24/7. I'd like to cut my legs off at times but my luck the RLS would move into my arms 24/7. But I do have a heavy combination of drugs to get me thru a day ,

Have a good day all !


in reply to Shoeinthree

I was soooo anti drugs, still am. I also found it hard to try it, as i also spent years telling my son not to. I live on my own and hoped he wouldnt find out what his mum was even thinking of doing, he did find out, and thought it was hilarious. But i dont sit in judgement either if it helps others to get some relief, then so be it.

in reply to

Oh, by the way..when the doctor did prescribe the "Vicodin"

my kids were the most upset about it...I was made to feel

very guilty. My husband wasn't very happy about it either.

Driving while on that is a big "No, No" so I dealt with that

as well... the houses are so spread out where I live and

we are not very close to the city - so it's pretty necessary.

It's just as dangerous to be without sleep on the body and

mind..so I am for whatever anyone uses to help them

cope. I would stand next to anyone in the courtroom who

"gets busted" for use of illegal drugs because of rls...

in reply to Shoeinthree

Count your blessings that you have medicine to get you through.

The only way that I could achieve that is to go to the street and

take my chances.

Shoeinthree profile image
Shoeinthree in reply to

Oh please don't do that, it scares me to think what is on any st,

in reply to Shoeinthree

Good Grief, I don't know much about "weed"

They prescribe it in pill form? I really have to get

myself educated about this stuff. My state is very far

away from legally allowing citizens to use any form of it

for any reason. Still, I'd grow my own before going to the street.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

Yikes, in the US, where we are, Marinol is the pill form.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to nightdancer

my pain clinic uses it generously. I prefer smoking it, and it is legal in many of our states, including mine. I still need my RLS meds, but use less if I have had a few puffs. Unfortunately, in the UK it is not legal in the plant form. I have no idea about the pill form.

gypsy49 profile image
gypsy49 in reply to nightdancer

unless prescribed by hospital.... then you can use plant form in the uk

in reply to nightdancer

so what's the difference if you get relief from

a poppy seed plant or a marijuana plant? Thanks

for the info nightdancer. It's great for those of us

that cannot inhale as in smoking it.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to Shoeinthree

does not increase eating for everyone. I have lost weight! ;) It is a "possible" side effect. Munchies are more likely if you smoke it. ;)

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to nightdancer

are you then taking the pill form; is that what brought on the weight loss?

in reply to nightdancer

Wait Nightdancer...I am so darn nosy.. I can't help myself.

I must ask you, what else are you taking besides the

couple puffs and good luck with that surgery..you have

some pretty serious past injuries..Gosh I hope that you

get a ton of relief.. congratulations on your successful

weight loss. I understand how tough it was for me to

lose a good 15-20 lbs. just a few short months ago..

Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels. <3

Well, i have tried it, smoked it, and it went straight to my knees, not in a good way, felt as if my legs couldnt hold me up, so went to lay down, my legs were just as bad. Then i was told to boil the leaves i was given, with a bit of ginger, and a cinnamon stick, so i did that, whoa it made me so light headed i had to go lay down again, legs still not affected by it, so as with the meds, i think this is an individual thing also

in reply to

When the cows come home from summersett were the cider apples grow right were is the molasses tree. : )

Dear Bella

I hope you find what reliefs your RLS . If you want to ask your GP ordering medical marijuana you should be careful about choosing the right kind which suits you the best proportion of THC and CBD in marijuana is very important, THC relaxes the mind ( geting high ) and CBD relaxes the body ( reliefs pain ). You should try the kind which suits your condition. Good Luck ;)

in reply to

Hello Stranger! =) Thanks for that good information. Please

post that again if someone else asks.. it comes up from

time to time.

Rubylane25 profile image

I tried it a few times and didn't do anything for my RLS. Had a few good laughs tho!!!

ColoradoLover66 profile image


I think I read somewhere on this site about using cannabis oil on one's legs. Has anyone tried that? My heart goes out to those who suffer from severe RLS. I was reading in the US a website by Dr. Andrew Weil, specialist in Integrated Medicine and Holistic Health at the U. of Arizona. A comment by him about RLS was interesting:

And I quote:

As with many conditions that have nonspecific, non-measurable, and variable symptoms, some clinicians have expressed doubt that RLS is a true, clinical syndrome.

Hmm. Those of us with RLS might take issue with that!

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to ColoradoLover66

I'll bet none of them is afflicted.

Hello Dear Yikes

You are right I am almost stranger, I used to be active member of this site until I figured I suffered from Peripheral neuropathy not RLS but I still receive posts from the site, back to your comment try to read this article,regarding to " How Do THC, CBN, and CBD Relate to Marijuana Potency? "


Why I know this is because I started to grow weed since to years ago, so I tried to study and increase my information on it . :)

in reply to

rahim50 -the best information that I have ever seen was

this article. Thank you for posting it.

in reply to

You are most welcome Yik, I ,ll be happy to help any further

Hi rahim50, long time no see, i hope you are getting relief from your now diagnosed peripheral neuropathy. I do wonder sometimes where people who used to post alot have gone to, did they all find out they do not have RLS...?? !! Definately NOT allowed to grow weed here in the UK, i have seen many newspaper reports where people have done just that and got busted.... :)

Good to hear from you even tho you do not have RLS. :)

in reply to

Hi dear Elis and thanks for remembering me, let me tel you I am please to know you people and if I don,t show up here much, is because I may not be able to help people with RLS because I am not involve with it, but regarding to Bella,s post besides the exciting issue I thought I could help a little. In Iran law do not bother growing cannabis plant may be because it,s seeds is known as dried nut . Used in bakery stuff too, so I grow it in my little garden outside of my window has nice looking leaves and last longing up to early Dec

I have to live with it some times free of pain and some times jumping from the pain. :)

Missymaz profile image

Hi all been reading all your comments with so much interest and hope. I have severe RLS and moderate ras my legs are on the go day and night trying to keep down a job like this and no sleep is exhausting and painful why can't we be helped, taken seriously or understood by the medical profession oh how I wish for miracles. My son said he would try and get me some marijuana some how if I wanted which I refused and after reading your posts I'm think I'm glad I did. Ain't life a misery.

I have Peripheral neuropathy as well..I am treating it with vitamin b12

injections - getting on the high end of normal. Also I have been told to

take (I am) Inositol -1000mg (vitaminB9) and I eat 6 cups of vegetables

that are fresh everyday, I eat tuna (not from the can) almost everyday

as well. It has helped me greatly.

Diet changed a lot for me in my battle with RLS, RA, PN....I have been

at it for a good 5 months almost without fail. I put most of the veggies

in the magic bullet blender and sweeten it with fruit, a couple TBS

of greek yogurt.

I have inflammatory peripheral neuropathy. I started eating very

healthy too late. The damage that happened is probably permanent.

I can not feel sharp vs. dull, hot or cold anymore (feet) I have minimal

times of pins, needles, burning pain in my feet. I still am very aware

of where my feet are- some aren't so lucky.

RLS is still the worst of what I live with symptom wise. When at rest

my legs just keep moving around..they can't find a comfortable position

unless I am stretching the hip flexors.. I learned how to do it from a

video..haha. (everyone else get your mind out of the gutter) That's

been helping me out tremendously..

People joke with me and say that I was born to be a pole dancer.... haha.

They tell me that if my legs are going to keep up like they are, I might as

well make some money and give them a good work out...haha--- it was

my brother-in-law that started that joke and now the whole family asks

me how much money I made the night before -meaning "How is your

restless legs doing"

in reply to

Looks like you have it all Yikes :( , Have you checked the deficiency of vitamins and minerals ( incuding B12, Mg, Fe, Zn ....) in your system ?

Healthy food is very important, I am behind you on this.

I am happy to see you managing your health and your mood as well.

I would invite you to a night club if I was there haha ;)

in reply to

A really great neuro decided to test my vitamin levels before

going crazy with other medicines.. I am pretty sure that we

covered all of those bases..

Dance club? So now I am putting up with your "sass" haha.

I would imagine that you do know already to keep rechecking

those vitamin levels. My neuro said a min. of every 6 months

is sufficient. =) Same goes for the rls'ers..should be getting

those checked. It's a simple blood draw..

in reply to


I usually check them out periodically, we also need to live in clean area any air pollution can worsen our case.

I just teased you for the sake of smile on your face accept my apology for my sass :)

in reply to

Oh come on now.. first marijuana and then to a night club...haha it did indeed put a big smile on my face.

You know you want to...haha.[ =

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to

Hey - whatever it takes - will you join me?

in reply to Bella5

Yes, I do for whatever

in reply to

I wish you high quality of sleep after each happy days of your life even if you don,t dance with me ;)

in reply to

Hey, if I am pole dancing, then you are too. =DD. I'm dipping into your supply of marijuana first. haha..I do wish the same peace for you. Now we have Bella joining us..she will teach us some hot little moves. <3 Just messing with ya Bella...I am mostly in the same boat as you are.

in reply to

Haha, we don,t need to be pole of dancing to dance, it comes with feelings and freedom. It is nice being in the same boat, I hope our boat does not sink, like Titanic did, but even if that happens I'll rescue you even if I freeze to death. :)

You and dear Bella are most welcome to my garden, I wish I could remove the distances between Tehran and Wisconsin and may be London :(

in reply to

smiles and laughs-I did see a documentary about women who dance wildly- with deep feeling until they pass out.. and then the healing begins.. I've always wanted to try that dance.They dance like they are filled with madness..along with other women..it's supposed to be very therapeutic but to me, it looks like they are having some kind of breakdown.. I promise that Bella and I will not break down on you or sink our boat. - haha.

in reply to

May be that kind of dancing would work for some but I am not sure it would do any good for me, but let me tell you and Bella about Sama Dancing, it is an spiritual type of dancing from East and it may work for the believers


No need for promises I am sure you won,t breakdown on me even if you do, it fine with me :)

in reply to

That kind of dancing takes some good balance. It's been a long time since I did something that would help me out with that. I am a runner, I do stretches but balance like that is just not my thing. Lol.. It would be a lovely dance to watch. I am impressed that girls so young can be so graceful. I think that I did see some ladies practicing that type of dancing in the streets of Las Vegas downtown..

in reply to

Yup, There is a pure spiritual faith behind Sama dancing ( elevating from earth to sky ) even some dance in mind, mind balance might be more important than body balance.

I am sure by proper practicing you will improve your balance

How do you manage to keep up with your daily activities there ?

in reply to

I just do.. no secret that having a job at home being on the computer already gives me an advantage to pop in here now and then. My kids are grown.. I don't sleep a lot and my own health is top priority..selfish maybe but I have a few battles that I'm fighting. RA, RLS, B12 deficiency... I'm getting on very well. My extended family is very large and we are all very close.

I do freezer meals once a month that takes an entire weekend so all that I have to do is put everything together for the rest of the month. My life is so simplified.. How about you and yours? =) Do I dance when I cook and clean- Oh yeah.! Some days I drag my butt around too after a rough night of non-sleep.. or two..

in reply to

May be you can teach me to gain some online money Yikes ;) ha

I know how hard is to have constant fighting, I am involved with some fights too PN, Gout and lately heart coronary disease I just put on stent in my heart and going to put on another on, in next 2 weeks, on the way fighting PN and gout I lost about 30 lb and I used to walk and jog about 2 hrs a day eating healthy quitting smoking and drinking and I thought I am in good shape my heart said something else but I act quickly and did not wait fulling myself .

I have 2 grown daughters left home ( one married one studding ) my wife and I are lonely couple again. I am retired faculty member of chemistry department .

Now you know this stranger a little bit more ;)

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to

I hail from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ottawa being the capital city of Canada.

in reply to

You are right about we went way off the subject here..lol

funnyfennel profile image

Poor thing...but do tell about the excercises, as I need a few more to specifically help the RLS

in reply to funnyfennel

Poor thing, not me. It's so much easier if you would look up

exercises for the hip flexors. (Honest) To explain it would bring

more questions than answers. It's done much better if you

have someone (probably your best friend kind of thing) to

help you out. It's nothing sexual - it's going to take some practice.

Bella congratulations you brought an exciting issue and you got many posts in a short time ;)

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to

Thank you rahim50 - yes I received numerous posts and each of them very interesting. Thank you everyone - although I still haven't made a decision - I guess I'm chicken. I've never used drugs so I don't know what to expect. I did receive many replies from those who, like me, have never done drugs; and they also were somewhat apprehensive.

in reply to Bella5

If it comes in pill form, would that make the choice easier for you Bella5?

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to


in reply to Bella5

Bella I would also go pill form.. I've taken

some poppy diversions (pain killer- pills)

in earlier months.. I do understand how

scared you are because I missed all of

the fun parties when I was younger and my

friends were doing up recreational drugs..

Now I get to do it at my age of 46.. for the

first time and mine is to settle down my legs-

not to get high. I want sleep and peace only..

and for it to not affect me then next day.

Bella5 profile image
Bella5 in reply to


in reply to Bella5

Do whatever pleases you the most, I would stay in moderate stage in any way Bella >3

Poor Bella.. we went way off subject here. =D.

in reply to

posts are passing over 100 wow........ ;)

It's all rahim50's fault that this post goes on and on... haha.

All that Bella had to do is post this and she's got dancing dates,

boat rides, a guy that is going to jump in and save her life...=D.

I guess it's time for me to get some sleep...I'm getting goofy tonight.

No rls going on tonight. I slept great the night before! It could be due

to vitamin B12 shots..I just had one yesterday. If I do end up with rls

tonight later..I am in big trouble with this energy.. I get like this every time

I get my shot once a month. Prior to shots, I was quite low on vitamin B12.

mollymoomoo profile image

hi to all of you with restless leg sind i had that for years but i am cured now thanks to mirapexin / pramipexole i am cured at last anyone suffering please try this its brilliant 2 tabs a night and i get a good nites sleep


I took pramipexole for 13 years without no cure but a lot of bad side effects.

Drugs do not cure!

Hopeless100 profile image

The Californian website rlshelp.org/ seems to suggest that some people get immediate relief, the legality question must be addressed though.

Not what you're looking for?

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