t after the 2nd day on the job (I'm up and down stairs and on my feet the entire shift) I started getting the rls and it can hit at anytime. nights worst. my theory is my muscles and fibers are in overload, after the 6 month downtime, straight to hi impact use of my legs. so if anyone has experienced something similar holla. I don't think it will last any longer than it takes my legs to get back there original strength and endurance. any info is greatly appreciated.
hi to all, just joined and really wo... - Restless Legs Syn...
hi to all, just joined and really wondering if my newly aquired rls is because I was off my feet for 6 months and recently returned to work

Could be. I am an elite athlete and I have rls. I was down for 4 weeks with
something. I didn't move a lot. RLS was bad then. I started training after those
4 weeks and RLS was good but when I was back to normal, RLS hit me up
even worse than before.
I imagine there is more than one cause of rls symptoms or like-symptoms and hopefully yours is something temporary.
I couldn't lay down for a whole day! Agghh!
Sorry,not very helpful for your situation but good luck.
Hi, sorry to hijack this thread a minute but just out of interest, can you trigger a short intense attack when you do any high intensity training, that disappears with oxygen deficit.
I have never started out a training session with full blown rls. I do not know
that answer until I do. That's an interesting question. I have never had an
attack of RLS during my training but I have had some of the worst attacks
of RLS after. It has nothing to do with the lactate - which is the substance that
the muscles release into the blood after a good workout. It's what makes recovery
time so difficult for us. Sometimes we get sore muscles. That's a whole different
conversation but I want you to know that sore isn't the same as RLS attack. I get
an attack maybe 4 hours after very intense workout.
No, its not soreness. If I work really hard it can be a bit worse in the evening but I get it every night anyway.
Its not lactate either. It is a really short bout of the rls feeling when you go anaerobic say in a short 20 second set in tabata training or something. I wondered if it was the oxygen deficit because I can't work out what's happening there but its so complicated. It disappears very quickly but is so intense I nearly jump off my bike with all the stretching I do :-))
Just thought it was interesting. I will have to look into it more.
Kelka I just read that hypoxia suppresses hepcidin which then allows a surge of iron to be released. So I wonder if the opposite being extreme oxygenation raises hepcidin thereby lowering iron availability causing momentary but horrific rls. For that matter I wonder if that is why exercise makes rls worse in the short term at least. New treatment for rls. Hold your breath?

That sounds really interesting lostinamerica, I'll have a Google. At the moment I'm trying to read around hypoxia because I wondered if that was the key. There are a lot of rate limiting enzymes involved in the metabolism of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline that are affected by hypoxia. This has been shown on the level of sleep apnea at least. I wonder where iron is in all that.
I would love to know what happens in the time its triggered and then leading to homeostasis.
Drives me mad
Wonder no more! Google exercise and hepcidin and you will have your answer

Never going to get dinner Ready at this rate!
Wow, lots of info there. Here is a really interesting abstract tying it to rls
Going to read it right now!
Yesssssssssss, great abstract. Your theory on aerobic related rls symptoms got me started down this road so if you don't make dinner the fault is all yours!!!

Haha all done. Its hard to leave this stuff alone sometimes isnt it? Hopefully all those busy scientist will think so too its incredibly interesting.
And don't forget, the participants in these exercise studies probably do not have rls. We RLSers are soooooooo sensitive to any drop in iron that you have to go flying off of you stationary bike. Oh man Kelka, I hope you find some treatment for this!!!

That we could be cool
Its that last sentence of the abstract that I think holds the most promise just because there are a lot of GPS still need to hear this.
" Nonetheless, these data support the mounting evidence that there is a biological basis for RLS and the underlying mechanism involves iron management"
I would
Love to get that hepcidin test done.
Take care and thanks for the info.
RLS not muscular, it is neurological. Too MUCH exercise can set it off, as stated here before.
My first question , since you are new here, is did you start ANY new meds during your 6 month downtime, and not just for RLS, since you did not have it then, but for any condition. Many meds can also trigger RLS. Many studies being done on oxygen, and eventually we may have an answer. RLS is nothing if not complicated. There are also many underlying causes of RLS, called secondary RLS, and then lots of us have primary RLS, which is basically inherited from the genes for RLS that they discovered in 2005 and 2007. rlshelp.org is a great read with lot of patient letters and the treatment page (minus the old blood pressure info as admitted by the web master there) has an entire list of meds that can be used ad meds and foods to avoid, as well as natural treatments, or as he calls then alternative treatments. IF you do not mind what was you 6 months off work related to? Lots of physical conditions can be an underlying cause of RLS. The etiology of RLS is mind blowing and no one really knows yet everything that is going on with RLS. We do know it is neurological, and solving that riddle is like trying to solve the Alzheimer's issue or Parkinson's or diabetes, etc. Lots of theories out there. I do know one should not exercise hard 3 or 4 hrs before bed time. It is well known to trigger an attack in most people. Too much exercise can raise your core temperature, and we need our core temp to bed cool for maximum chances of sleep. That is a "sleep hygiene" thing. One more question, did you start drinking lots more caffeine when you started work back up? Just thinking of common triggers as I type.
Welcome to our group! Donna/USA