Hello all you wonderful people , wherever you may be. May I also say welcome
Mayumi_ and gintyc our newest members.
Monday again and many of you will be preparing for Stoptober Challenge which starts tomorrow.
Sometimes that challenge can give you the incentive to stay strong and see the perfect result at the end of it. Keep Quit Support close at hand and we will support and guide you through your quit journeys. But dont worry if your not ready or you have failed in the past, It can take a few attempts to become smokefree. We will always help you when your ready to quit.
I used to be a heavy smoker 20 to 30 cigarettes a day , and I managed to quit after 40 plus years of smoking. Quit Support gave me the incentives and friendship to get me smokefree that was 13 Years ago. So there is always hope and never impossible.
Today I have decided to have an easy Monday , after my hectic week last week with carpet fitters , doctors, etc.
Might decide to bake just for a change. That reminds me I shall have to fill the cake tin as i am sure our Monky will be starving by now.
Have a wonderful day. 😊🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰☕☕☕☕☕💕✖✖
Dont forget to be Awesome!