Soooo sad! I hit day 86 cold turkey quit and yep! Thought I could have just one! Damn stupid thinking! I’m going to have to start all over again tomorrow, huge mistake and this is going to sound worse, it’s been so nice to sleep again 😳😳😳 back to day 1 tomorrow for me! 😔😔😔
Dangerous move of just 1 : Soooo sad! I hit day... - Quit Support
Dangerous move of just 1

Hi Frostytime, Ok you relapsed but you havent failed. Just put it down to a practice run.
This is your 1st relapse with us so as for your badge it will only change slightly. You will lose 3 weeks, and not go back to zero unless you tell us otherwise.
Please just start your quit again NOW. dont be tempted to have anymore today.
We are all here for you.
Try and think how you could have change things so your not tempted again. xxxx
Thank you Jilly! The weird thing was I was in a really happy mood! On holidays feeling good, that’s where it crept up on me! Feeling strong and invincible, which quite obviously I wasn’t! So a great lesson and I’ll be back! Bigger 😂😂 yes! And stronger, I will beat this addiction xxx
Hi Frosty....... the same old problem, “I’ll just have one” and the whole 86 days goes down the pan, but hey! Think positive, your starting again tomorrow.... 1st November will be your new quit date, and we, your community buddies will still be here to encourage and support you, thats what we do, we dont judge members, we have all been there, done that!
So, good luck on your new quit date tomorrow.
😀👏👏👏👍😘🚭 NOPE! Xx
So true the nope mantra veteran! I thought of that but of course I was far superior to the nico demon and truly believed I could have just 1!
Now know that NOPE is to be followed closely! Your brain can play many games!
Thank you for your words! The 1st November is good! NOPE xx
You will succeed this time my lovely, just believe in yourself, what you are doing, and why...... better health, longer life(hopefully) smell and smoke free, and ultimately richer, both in mind and money..... so treat yourself to something nice for Christmas, by then you will be 55 days smoke free, you can do this Frosty! 😀👏👏👏🚭😘 Xx

Hi Frostytime, hiccups can happen. Don't beat yourself up about it,take it as a learning curve. Re-start your quit asp! Thanks for being honest.xx
Thanks tubby 💛 I know I have to get back on the horse straight away! Before it gets out of hand again! It really is an insidious addiction, that sneaks up on you! Happy, sad, excited every emotional reason really! I’ll get there, this is my time now! Have a grandbubba due very soon and definitely don’t want to be a smoker! Xxx

Ahhh, Frostytime congratulations!!, a grandbubba is a great motivation. You need to stay healthy ( and sweet smelling,lol)
All the best,hun. XXX
Totally get that sweet smelling! That was my number 1 thing that I loved! I even bought myself new perfume with money saved! 🥰

Hi Frosty, don’t be too hard on yourself. You have a very good reason to get back on your quit, a grandbubba which is terrific news, congrats👍🏼
You can do this and we’re all here to help🚭✅xx
My plan is next time the just one feeling comes, I’m going to jump on here! There is never ever just one! Thanks briarwood 💛 this community is incredibly supportive and kind xx

I'm sure you will look good, smell good and be a good Grandmamma!