I'm so excited I have now stopped smoking for 2 weeks tomoz I hope I get a badge ☺
Hello Everyone: I'm so excited I have now... - Quit Support
Hello Everyone

Hi Amanda, wow that has gone quickly two weeks already. That's brilliant I bet you are excited you should be proud, congratulations. How are you finding it? It should start getting a bit easier now 🍙🍰🌲😜🌲🎂😀🆒🆒🆒🍭🚭😇🌲😎🍸😀🍗🐵

Congratulations Amanda on your 2 weeks quit tomorrow, great achievement👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Be very proud of yourself hun, well done and now you can look forward to a lovely smokefree Christmas🎅🏼🎄☃🎅🏼🎄☃and a healthier year ahead🚭

Well done,2 weeks is fantastic 😊

Fab job on two weeks quit, I bet you feel amazing 😁 well done!
Thanx Andrew, I feel great I'm so determined this is my 4th attempt and I'm sticking to it this time. Just hope I don't put on too much weight.😀 😀 😀

Hi Amanda. I tried lots of times in the past I think when the time is right u just know and I knew from day one that I would be successful this time round don't even know why when I tried many times before. I don't think ull put on weight just have healthy snacks around and think stop smoking is priority no one. We will all be dieting after Christmas but at least we won't have the usual are u going to quit smoking this year? Take care 🍰🆒😆🆒🔥🍗

Hello Amanda, well done with your amazing quit!
I see you have a lovely 2 week winners badge!
Keep up the good work x
Thanks Paul, can't believe I've made it this far. You have done so brill haven't you even had a puff ? 😀

Loving the badge Amanda two weeks is fantastic😊😊😊😊
Don't even have one puff..... As soon as you do your stuffed full with nicotine and back to square one..... That's why we say NOPE.... Not One Puff Ever😊😊🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

No never have a puff !